
The three unwritten rules of life:

6 September 2023
Added: Yogi Ramacharaka, Cristianismo Místico, Las Enseñanzas Internas del Maestro (1908)
19 January 2023
Added: Namkhai Norbu, Dzogchen Atiyoga
12 January 2023
Added: Audio of readings by M.C. from The Albigen Papers, author Richard Rose, at our sister site
5 January, 2023
Added: Richard Rose, States of Mind  (fair-use extract from Albigen Papers, Fifth Paper, Obstacles to Transcendenal Effort)
Cross-posted at Albigen.Com
12 December 2022
Added: Wilson Van Dusen, Hallucinations as the World of Spirits
22 October 2022
Added: C.S. Lewis, Willing Slaves of the Welfare State
Added: C.S. Lewis, Learning in War-Time, 1939
Added: Larken Rose, The Jones Plantation (video)
16 October 2022
Added: Thomas Paine, Common Sense (1776)
15 October 2022
Added: Neville Goddard, Consciousness Is The Only Reality
Added: Neville Goddard, God And I Are One , 1972 audio, original voice
9 October 2022
Added: Clara Llum Ibañez, Satsang With Clara Llum. Essays, audio, video, transcripts (12 pages)
26 September 2022
Added: Readings from Richard Rose (audio by M.C.), The Three Books of the Absolute, Tales of Love, and Approach to Validity (Lecture of Questions) to our sister site Albigen.Com
25 September 2022
Added: Richard Rose, The Three Books of the Absolute, Tales of Love, and Approach to Validity (Lecture of Questions) to Albigen.Com
21 September 2022
Added: William Walker Atkinson as "Yogi Ramacharaka", Mystic Christianity, The Inner Teachings of the Master (1908)
20 September 2022
Added: Alan Fitzpatrick: The Teachings of Richard Rose, American Zen Master
30 August 2022
Added: Readings from Richard Rose (audio by M.C.), Energy Transmutation, Between-Ness and Transmission to Albigen.Com
9 August 2022
Added: Anonymous, 14th Century England, The Cloud of Unknowing
29 July 2022
Added: Lysander Spooner, No Treason #6, Constitution of No Authority
27 July 2022
Added: Lysander Spooner, Forced Consent (1873)
22 July 2022
Added/Cross-posted Awareness Watching Awareness pages to here from our sister site Albigen.Com
13 July 2022
Added dark theme to Albigen.Com and cross-posted 12 pages about Richard Rose from SelfDefinition.Org to there
3 July 2022
Added dark theme to the Awareness Watching Awareness section of our sister site Albigen.Com and to The Most Rapid and Direct Means to Eternal Bliss
These pages are now incorporated into the "Awareness" section of SelfDefinition.Org
26 June 2022
Added: Togpa Rinpoche, Buddhist Philosophy based on the Rice-Seedling Sutra (Salistamba Sutra)
25 June 2022
Completed extending html redesign and dark theme to all sections.
24 June 2020
Added: Parameshwar Maharaj [English] Submerging into Myself; Advaita in Practice
Added: Parameshwar Maharaj [Español] Hundiendome en mí mismo; El Advaita en la practica
20 June 2022
Added: Ashtavakra Samhita [English] (Ashtavakra Gita)
Added: Ashtavakra Samhita [Español] (Ashtavakra Gita)
19 June 2022
Added: Adi Shankara (attrib): Vivekachudamani, La Joya del Discernimiento
(The Crest-Jewel of Wisdom, Spanish)
8 June 2022
Reformat html for Dried Shit Zen (DSZ Roshi)
30 May 2022
Added: Éliphas Lévi, [English] Paradoxes of the Highest Science
Added: Éliphas Lévi, [Español] Las Paradojas de la Alta Ciencia
28 April 2022
Added: Header/Index page for Huna section
Added: Header/Index page for Shaman section
18 April 2022
Added: Search feature for website
Added: Search feature for Richard Rose section
7 April 2022
Added: Vagrakkhedikâ or Diamond Cutter, a.k.a. Diamond Sutra
Added: [Español] Vagrakkhedikâ, Pragñâ-pâramitâ, Cortador de diamante, tcc Sutra del diamante
6 April 2022
Added: D.T. Suzuki translations, Lankavatara Sutra; Self-Realisation of Noble Wisdom
6 April 2022
Added: Header/Index page for Buddhism section
February 2022 to June 2022
Redesigned html/CSS, updated dark theme, now to extend to all sections.
22 April 2022
Added: William Q. Judge, Devachan, the State After Death
Added: William Q. Judge, Kama Loca, the Plane of Desire
18 February 2022
Added: William S. Lind, The Poison and the Antidote
18 February 2022
Added: Wilfred N. Caron, The Occult Significance of Hypnosis
24 December 2021
Added: Monita Secreta, Secret Instructions of the Jesuits, 1835 edition
17 December 2021
Added: William S. Lind, Who Stole Our Culture? Cultural Marxism and the Frankfurt School
24 October 2021
Added: Joost A.M. Meerloo Rape of the Mind, The Psychology of Thought Control, Menticide and Brainwashing
12 October 2021
Added: L. Ron Hubbard: The Brainwashing Manual
26 August 2021
Added: Xenophon on Tyranny: Hiero a.k.a Tyrannicus
19 August 2021
Added: Étienne de La Boétie, The Politics of Obedience:
The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude
19 August 2021
Added: Gustave Le Bon, The Crowd, A Study of the Popular Mind
Added: Gustave Le Bon, [Español] La psicología de las masas
19 August 2021
Added: Edward L. Bernays, [English] Propaganda
Added: Edward L. Bernays, [Español] Propaganda
7 December 2020
Added: Joseph Sadony, The Human Radio
15 November 2020
Added: Joseph Sadony, enLIGHT'NING FLASHes
Update: Joseph Sadony, Gates of the Mind
Update: Joseph Sadony, Obituary
Update: Joseph Sadony, Pine Needles
Update: Joseph Sadony, The Golden Chalice
8 November 2020
Added: Vasugupta, The Shiva Sutras 4 versions in English, 3 in Spanish
Added: Article, [Español] Shivaismo Tántrico de Cachemira
8 October 2020
Added: The Gospel of Thomas, Nag Hammadi Library
Added: [Español] Evangelio según Tomás, Biblioteca Nag Hammadi
3 October 2020
Added: Atmananda Krishna Menon, Atma Darshan and Atma Nirvritti
3 October 2020
Added: Adi Sankaracharya, Vakya Sudha a.k.a Drik-drishya-viveka
2 October 2020
Added: Swami Vivekananda, The Vedanta Philosophy
24 September 2020
Added: William Walker Atkinson, Thought Vibration: The Law of Attraction in the Thought World
Added: William Walker Atkinson, [Español] La ley de la atracción en el mundo del pensamiento
7 September 2020
Added: History of "The Power Of Positive Thinking"
2 September 2020
Reformat: Norbu Chen, "Tibetan" Healer (14 pages)
Added: [Español] Norbu Chen, el sanador Lama tibetano de EE.UU.
26 August 2020
Added: Bob Ferguson, Jim Burns, Teacher, Mystic and Psychologist
17 August 2020
Reformat: Richard Rose, 10 pages, 20+ newspaper articles,
McCreary Ridge Hippies Live Quietly in Hills Meditating
"The Shootout" – Local Hillbillies Provoked
8 August 2020
Added: Steven Strouth, The Mystery of Robert Adams
4 August 2020
Added: Abbot George Burke (Swami Nirmalananda Giri), Original Christianity, articles and links
30 July 2020
Added: (Celibacy Section) Recommended books for manliness and self-development
30 July 2020
Added: Huang Po, trans. John Blofeld, The Zen Teaching of Huang Po On the Transmission of Mind
Added: Huang Po, trans. John Blofeld, [Español] La enseñanza zen de Huang Po en la transmisión de la mente
21 July 2020
Added: Yongjia Xuanjue, El Himno de la Iluminación
Song of Enlightenment, in Spanish
22 June 2020
Added: Huang Po, trans. D.T. Suzuki, Huang Po's Sermon
15 June 2020
Added: Chidananda Saraswati, The Role of Celibacy in the Spiritual Life
Added: Chidananda Saraswati, [Español] El rol del celibato en la vida espiritual
9 June 2020
Added: Henri Tracol, The Taste for Things That Are True
7 June 2020
Added: Vernon Howard, There is Only One Cause of Crime
31 May 2020
Added: Alejandro Jodorowsky, [Español] Los 82 mandamientos para vivir, atribuido a G.I. Gurdjieff
29 May 2020
Added: Victor D. Solow, I Died at 10:52 A.M. + newspaper articles and biographical information
27 May 2020
Added: Gary Harmon, Memories of Ashram Life with a Zen Master
16 May 2020
Added: Adi Shankara (attrib): The Crest-Jewel of Wisdom
15 May 2020
Added: Alejandro Jodorowsky, 82 Commandments For Living, Attributed to G.I. Gurdjieff
12 May 2020
Added: Mark Jaqua, The Magical World of the Australian Aborigines
10 May 2020
Added: Theron Q. DuMont (William Walker Atkinson), Practical Memory Training
9 May 2020
Update for progress bar, etc., 49 pages: Celibacy Quotes Section
26 April 2020
Added: "Constitution, and How to Think" from Views from the Real World
Added: "Constitución, y Como Pensar" [Español] de Perspectivas desde el mundo real
21 April 2020
Update html: Psychology articles
21 April 2020
Update html: Hearing Voices articles
19 April 2020
Added: Jacob Boehme, Confessions
Added: Jacob Boehme, [Español] Confesiones
8 April 2020
Added: Mable Collins, [Español] Luz en el Sendero
Update html: Mable Collins, Light on the Path
1 April 2020
Added: Franz Hartmann, Life and Doctrines of Jacob Boehme
23 March 2020
Added: James H. Loryea, a.k.a. Santanelli, The Law of Suggestion
17 March 2020
Update html: Dr. R. W. Bernard, Science Discovers the Physiological Value of Continence
13 February 2020
Added: Franz Hartmann, [Español] Magia Blanca y Negra
Update: Franz Hartmann, Magic White and Black
2 February 2020
Reformat: The Story of Paul Wood, Enlightened Christian Mystic
Added: Richard Rose, extracts from 6 lectures, comments on Paul Wood
17 January 2020
Added: Socialism in Cuba
Reformat: The Secret Behind "The Secret Swami" and Fraud Links Page
16 January 2020
Update html: Huang Po, Dharma of Mind
8 January 2020
Update html: Jacob Boehme, Mysterium Magnum
27 December 2019
Added: Garma C.C. Chang, [Español] La practica del Zen
Reformat: Garma C.C. Chang, The Practice of Zen
24 December 2019
Reformat: William Samuel, The Truth About Identity
22 December 2019
Reformat: Sri Sadhu Om, Self-inquiry
21 December 2019
Reformat: Sri Sivanananda, Manonasa (Annihilation of the Mind)
20 December 2019
Reformat: Ambrose and Olga Worrell, Philosophy and Methodology of Spiritual Healing
19 December 2019
Reformat: Radha Soami Satsang by Jayaram V
Ongoing, Sep - Dec 2019
[ Resolving a quirk in the top menu for mobile devices; many pages affected. ]
9 Nov 2019
Reformat: Garma C.C. Chang, The Practice of Zen
8 Nov 2019
Upgrade html: Siddharameshwar, Selections from Amrut Laya
31 October 2019
Update and reformat: Sitemap, Index and Changelog pages
24 October 2019
Reformat: Francis Thompson, The Hound of Heaven
Added: Francis Thompson, [Español] El lebrel del cielo
24 October 2019
Reformat: Richard M. Bucke, Personal Experience of Cosmic Consciousness
Reformat: Richard M. Bucke, The Psychogenesis of Man, Development of Consciousness
10 October 2019
Fix/upgrade html: Max Freedon Long, The Secret Science Behind Miracles
Max Freedom Long, Huna: The Workable Psycho-Religious System of the Polynesians
9 October 2019
Reformat: Twelve Links of Dependent Arising
8 October 2019
Fixed/updated html: Jacob Boehme, Mysterium Magnum
4 October 2019
Added: Alfred Pulyan, index page and 4 new writings
28 September 2019
Reformat: Hubert Benoit, The Supreme Doctrine
27 September 2019
Added: Stuart Lachs, The Zen Master in America; Dressing the Donkey with Bells and Scarves
26 September 2019
Added: List of articles in Spanish, Lista de artículos en español
21 September 2019
Added: Index page to the "About Richard Rose" section
19 Sep 2019
Upgrade Html, add Navigation: Hartmann, Life of Paracelsus
13 September 2019
Reformat Afterlife Articles
Krishnamurti, Conversation on Afterlife
John Wren Lewis, Dazzling Dark
9 to 14 September 2019
Reformat 3 Zen sections:
Reformat: Thomas Cleary, Comments on the Five Ranks of Dongshan Liangjie
Reformat: Yongjia Xuanjue, Song of Enlightenment [2 versions]
Reformat: Hsin-Hsin Ming, Faith in Mind [6 versions]
Added: Hsin-Hsin Ming, [Español] Canto al Corazón de la Confianza
7 September 2019
Reformat: Len Kravitz, Ph.D, "Fat Facts" [health article]
7 September 2019
Reformat: George Malcolm Stratton, Developing Mental Power (childhood education)
18 August 2019
Added: Lilian Silburn, Techniques of Transmission in Kashmir Saivism
Added: Abhinavagupta, Trans. Lilian Silburn, Eight Stanzas on the Incomparable
13 August 2019
Reformat: Jim Burns, At Home with the Inner Self
11 August 2019
Updated CSS: J.J. van der Leeuw, Conquest of Illusion
21 August 2019
Update html and CSS: Kukai, Attaining Buddhahood With The Present Body
4 August 2019
Added: Alex Wayman: Kukai (Kobo Daishi) and Shingon
27 July 2019
Added: H.P. Blavatsky, [Español] La Voz del Silencio
Update: H.P. Blavatsky, Voice of the Silence
23 July 2019
Added to Albigen.Com: Ramana Maharshi, [español] ¿Quién Soy Yo? y Cuarenta versos sobre la realidad [español]
These pages are now incorporated into the "Awareness" section of SelfDefinition.Org
21 July 2019
Reformat in sister site Albigen.Com: Awareness Watching Awareness
These pages are now incorporated into the "Awareness" section of SelfDefinition.Org
24 June 2019
Update to valid html, section Celibacy-Quotes
29 May 2019
Reformat: Dried Shit Zen quotes
24 May 2019
Reformat pages at sister site, Albigen.Com
20 May 2019
Added: Jerry Brewster, [fair use extract] Personality
Added: Jerry Brewster, [español] La Personalidad
13 May 2019
Reformat: Quimby Manuscripts
7 May 2019
Added: Gampopa's Instructions to the First Karmapa
Added: [Español] Instrucciones de Gampopa para el Primer Karmapa
19 April 2019
Added: Index page for Healing section
6 March 2019
Reformat: George C. LeGros, Blavatsky on the Problem of Sex
Reformat: William Quan Judge, Communications from "Spirits", Their Sources and Methods
14 January 2019
Added: Siddharameshwar, The Causal Body and Forgetfulness
Added: Siddharameshwar, [Español] El cuerpo causal y el ovido
3 December 2018
Added: Ramana Maharshi, Self-Enquiry
Added: Ramana Maharshi, [Español] La Autoindagación
1 December 2018
Moved: Siddharameshwar, Amrut Laya, Dasbodh Selections, from Nisargadatta directory to here:
8 November 2018
Added: Gurdjieff, Aphorisms
Added: Gurdjief, [Español] Aforismos de Gurdjieff
29 October 2018
Reformat: Eckartshausen, Cloud Upon the Sanctuary
Added: Eckartshausen, [Español] La Nube Sobre el Santuario
1 October 2018
Reformat: Kabir, Songs of Kabir
Added: Kabir, [Español] Canciones de Kabir
22 September 2018
Update: Alexandra David-Néel, Tulpa Creation in Tibet
Update: Walter Evans-Wentz, Brief Comments on Tulpa Creation
Added: Alexandra David-Néel, Magical Creation of a Yidam
Added: Alexandra David-Néel, On Tibetan Buddhist Hermits
18 September 2018
Added: Hakuin Ekaku, Song of Meditation
Added: Hakuin Ekaku, The Cicada's Wing
17 September 2018
Added: Chögyam Trungpa, Energy and Emotional Transformation
Added: Chögyam Trungpa, [Español] Energía y transmutación emocional
13 September 2018
Added: G.I. Gurdjieff via Ouspensky, (English and Spanish)
Comments on going madComentarios sobre volverse loco
12 September 2018
Revised: Mantak Chia, The Most Effective Cure for Kundalini Psychosis
Added: Mantak Chia, [Español], La cura más efectiva para la psicosis Kundalini
10 September 2018
Added: P.D. Ouspensky, Notes on the Decision to Work, [Español], Notas sobre la Decisión de Trabajar
10 September 2018
Added: William Walker Atkinson, 'Tres Iniciados', [Español] El Kybalion
1 September 2018
Added: Trungpa Rinpoche, [Español] La Via Dificil
Reformatted and Moved: Trungpa Rinpoche, The Hard Way
31 August 2018
Reformat: Franz Hartmann, In the Pronaos of the Temple of Wisdom - Chapter 8, Alchemy
29 August 2018
Added: William Walker Atkinson, 'Three Initiates' The Kybalion
26 August 2018
Reformat: James H. Loryea a.k.a. Santanelli, "What Hypnosis Really Is"
25 August 2018
Added: Aphorisms by Alfred R. Orage
Added: Aforismos de Alfred R. Orage [Español]
10 August 2018
Added: G. I. Gurdjieff: The Last Hour of Life
Added: G. I. Gurdjieff, [Español] La Última Hora De Vida
5 August 2018
Added: P.D. Ouspensky, [Español] Psicología de la Posible Evolución del Hombre
3 August 2018
Added: Jeanne de Salzmann, extract from The Reality of Being:
"Where our attention is" (English) "Dónde está nuestra atención" [Español]
23 July 2018
Added: P.D. Ouspensky, Psychology of Man's Possible Evolution
22 July 2018
Added: 'Theron Q. Dumont' (William Walker Atkinson), Lesson 22, Efficient Association, from Practical Memory Training
19 July 2018
Added: G.I. Gurdjieff, Chapter 7, "How Can We Gain Attention?" from Views from the Real World
Added: G.I. Gurdjieff, [Español] Capítulo 7, "¿Cómo podemos ganar atención?" from Perspectivas desde el mundo real
27 June 2018
Added/updated: Index to Gurdjieff quotes section (Gurdjieff, Ouspensky, Nicoll, Orage, Bennett, de Salzmann)
27 June 2018
Added: Maurice Nicoll, "Centers and Parts of Centers", extracted from Volume 1 of Psychological Commentaries on the Teaching of Gurdjieff and Ouspensky
7 June 2018
Added: G.I. Gurdjieff, "Influencias A, B y C" (Influences A, B and C) Spanish and English
1 June 2018
Added: G.I. Gurdjieff, "Consideración, Interior y Exterior" (Considering, Internal and External) Spanish and English
1 June 2018
Added: G.I. Gurdjieff, "The Obyvatel" (Householder/Cabeza de Familia) English and Spanish
22 May 2018
Added: Richard Lemon, Psychiatry, the Uncertain Science (1968)
2 May 2018
Added: G.I Gurdjieff, "Auto-Observación (Self-Observation) Spanish and English"
Added: G.I Gurdjieff, Auto-Observación (Self-Observation), Parte 2: Los Centros (The Centers)
Added: G.I Gurdjieff, Auto-Observación (Self-Observation), Parte 3: La imaginación (The Imagination)
16 Mar 2018
Added: A.R. Orage, The Five Obligolnian Strivings (English)
Added: A.R. Orage, Los Cinco Esfuerzos Obligolnianos [Español, traducción haqueado por Google]
12 Mar 2018
Added: Carlos de la Garza, La Interrogante de Gurdjieff [Español]
Added: Carlos de la Garza, Gurdjieff's Question [English version of the above, hacked]
20 Feb 2018
Added: J.G. Bennet, Gurdjieff: La Ciencia del Idiotismo [Español]
12 Feb 2018
Added: Anonymous, G.I. Gurdjieff: The Science of Idiotism
2 Jul 2017
Added: Mantak Chia, The Most Effective Cure for Kundalini Psychosis
29 Mar 2017
Reformat: Huang-po, Dharma of Mind Transmission
27 Mar 2017
Updated XML sitemap
21 Mar 2017
Reformat: Alfred Pulyan, Letters from a Zen Master
21 Mar 2017
Moved (and replaced, see above): Alfred Pulyan, Letters from a Zen Master, widescreen format
20 Mar 2017
Reformat: Alfred Pulyan, The Penny That Blocks Out The Sun
17 Mar 2017
Added: Sri Sivanananda, Manonasa (Annihilation of the Mind)
9 Mar 2017
Reformat: Tibetan Buddhist Understanding of Anger
3 Mar 2017
Added: SSL certificate, switch from http to https
3 Mar 2017
Update: Len Kravitz, Ph.D, Fat Facts
23 Feb 2017
Added: Vernon Howard, Goodness Is Intelligence
22 Feb 2017
Added: Talks on Sri Ramana Maharshi 42 min Youtube video
2 Feb 2017
Added: William Samuel, The Truth About Identity
1 Feb 2017
Added: Buddhist Scriptures ch 5, "The Chain of Causation"
30 Jan 2017
Added: The Maid of Orlach Possession
29 Jan 2017
Reformat: Max Freedon Long, The Secret Science Behind Miracles
20 Jan 2017
Added: Vernon Howard, Satan's Sinister Secrets Exposed
16 Jan 2017
Reformat: Torkom Saraydarian, Obsession and Possession
14 Jan 2017
Reformat: Richard Rose, 1) The Mind; 2) Yoga Hatha, Shabd, and Raja
12 Jan 2017
Added: Steven Brier, Archetypal Autism FAQ
7 Jan 2017
Added: Clara Llum, If Buddha Gets In Your Way, Kill 'Em
7 Jan 2017
Reformat: Sri Sadhu Om, Self-inquiry
5 Jan 2017
Added: Pulyan-Rose Correspondence, Letters from a Zen Master
2 Jan 2017
Reformat: H.P. Blavatsky, Voice of the Silence
28 Dec 2016
Reformat: Gurdjieff, Classification of Idiots
27 Dec 2016
Added: J. Krishnamurti, At the Feet of the Master
26 Dec 2016
Added: Mable Collins, Light on the Path
24 Dec 2016
Removed large PDFs from the Magic section, added redirect page
22 Dec 2016
Reformat: Karma Chakme Rinpoche, Union of Mahamudra and Dzokchen
21 Dec 2016
Removed some large PDFs and all video from Tibetan section, added redirect page
20 Dec 2016
Removed Mentalism section
18 Dec 2016
Removed PDFs from Science section
17 Dec 2016
Removed Osho PDFs, replaced with book-list resources page
11 Dec 2016
Reformat: Max Freedom Long,
Huna: The Workable Psycho-Religious System of the Polynesians
9 Dec 2016
Reformat: Fraud Links page
8 Dec 2016
Reformat: Van der Leeuw, Conquest of Illusion
6 Dec 2016
Added: Full sitemap in XML format
6 Dec 2016
Reformat: Osho On Zen (and Hubert Benoit)
5 Dec 2016
Reformat: Nisargadatta, brief comments on Ramana Maharshi
3 Dec 2016
Reformat: Home, Site map, Change log, Contact page
2 Dec 2016
Reformat: Siddharameshwar, Selections from Amrut Laya
Many server outages at hosting provider in October and November, apologies.
Updating website to mobile-friendly pages
30 Nov 2016
Reformat: Dried Shit Zen Roshi, What Is Shingon Magic?
30 Nov 2016
Reformat: Kukai, Attaining Buddhahood With The Present Body
27 Nov 2016 - ongoing
Fixing broken links, general maintenance
24 Nov 2016
Added: Gopal Krishna's collection, Brahmacharya Quotes
16 Nov 2016
Reformat: Jacob Boehme, Mysterium Magnum
11 Nov 2016
Added: Osho, 75 Quotes on Brahmacharya
8 Nov 2016
Reformat: Franz Hartmann, Magic White and Black
22 Nov 2016
Added: Two pages by Gurdjieff to the Celibacy section
17 Oct 2016
Reformat: William Quan Judge, Communications from Spirits
17 Oct 2016
Added: George Cardinal Legros, Blavatsky on Problem of Sex
14 Oct 2016
Reformat: Articles pages in Hearing Voices section
11 Oct 2016
Added: Trungpa Rinpoche, The Hard Way
10 Oct 2016
Added: Aldous Huxley, Self-Transcendence
10 Oct 2016
Reformat: Articles pages in Psychology section
7 Oct 2016
Added: Stratton, Developing Mental Power (childhood education)
30 Sep 2016
Reformat: All section index pages to uniform appearance
29 Sep 2016
Update: Len Kravitz Fat Facts
29 Sep 2016
Reformat: Bio of Ambrose and Olga Worrell
22 Sep 2016
Added: Canonical links to PDFs using http custom headers
19 Sep 2016
Update: Discussion On Making All Things Equal
12 Sep 2016
Reformat: Hartmann, Life of Paracelsus
7 Sep 2016
Reformat: Sivananda, Practice of Brahmacharya
2 Sep 2016
Reformat: Bernard, Physiological Value of Continence
29 Aug 2016
Added: Adi Shankara quotes on Brahmacharya
29 Aug 2016
Reformat: All pages in Celibacy Quotes section
Prototype of new format for all except section index pages
15 Aug 2016
Added: Radha Soami Satsang by Jayaram V
13 Aug 2016
Added: Radha Soami section to site
29 July 2016
Added: New Thought section to site
19 Aug 2016
Update: Joseph Sadony, Gates of the Mind
26 Jul 2016
Added: Richard Rose, The Mind
24 Jul 2016
Added: Joseph Sadony, Pine Needles
20 Jul 2016
Added: Obituary of Joseph Sadony
15 Jul 2016
Added: Joseph Sadony, The Golden Chalice
13 Jun 2016
Added: The Secret Behind "The Secret Swami"
8 Jul 2016
Added: Twelve Links of Dependent Arising
3 Jul 2016
Added: Quimby Manuscripts
3 Jun 2016
Update: Hubert Benoit, The Supreme Doctrine
1 Jun 2016
Added: Alexandra David-Neel, Tulpa Creation
Added: Evans-Wentz, Tulpa Creation
16 Apr 2016
Added: Siddharameshwar, Selections from Amrut Laya
15 Apr 2016
Added: Max Freedom Long, Secret Science Behind Miracles
15 Apr 2016
Updated: Max Freedom Long, Huna Bulletin
27 Mar 2016
Added: 4 versions of Hsin-Hsin Ming (Faith in Mind)
7 Mar 2016
Added: Krishnamurti, Conversation on Afterlife
7 Mar 2016
Updated: John Wren Lewis, Dazzling Dark
20 Feb 2016
Added: Karma Chakme Rinpoche, Union of Mahamudra and Dzokchen
27 Jan 2016
Added: Songs of Kabir
24 Jan 2016
Added: Thomas Cleary, Comments on the Five Ranks of Dongshan Liangjie
16 Jan 2016
Added: Eckartshausen, Cloud Upon the Sanctuary


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