Chapter I

The wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy. – James, III-17

I was blindly groping my way through a world of dreams seeking for truth. The ceiling of my little room turned into a cloud; and from the cloud came an echo to my thoughts:

"Give to me the Golden Chalice I gave thee at the last supper, so I may place the answer to thy prayer within it.

"Drink ye of my blood, eat ye of my deeds; then thou shalt know by experience what truth really is.

"As much as thou givest of thyself to me, that much am I a part of thee.

After that I found that I needed only to think a thought, and listen for its echo in my imagination as an answer.

You will find here but a few of the answers that followed my questions. Accept them as you please. They made me happy, and I only want to share that happiness with those who do know the presence of Divinity and Truth. This is not for you if you do not know what it meant to me to experience and to record it.

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