Part 8

If a ruler hearkeneth to falsehood, all his servants are wicked.

– Proverbs 29:12

Knowledge of the mechanism of the human mind, like fire or explosives, can be used for good or for evil. Since evil prevails in this world, it is quite understandable that the totalists, the hierarchy, the State, the military, the law enforcement agencies, the courts, should use this knowledge to their advantage and profit.

"Law" and lawlessness have become comparatively safe and profitable enterprises for both the overworld (establishment) and underworld. The costs have been reserved for the victimized, the American people. The hypnotized citizenry experiences the most abominable things, and they remain asleep to them, or impotent in frustration. When we suffer tamely at lawlessness, we encourage it.

Dr. Edward Shev, a psychiatrist who has screened and counseled thousands of police officers says that 35% of all police are "really dangerous.". If some of our police officers are dangerous it is because we have brought into existence dangerous bureaucrats, dangerous politicians, ruthless authoritarians. Like the military, the police is an extension of government.

It is interesting to observe that the police were once our guardians, friends of all good citizens. They later became soldiers, a paramilitary, armed, vehicled and sequestered, presumably trained to look and act fierce. The bureaucrats have given the police the widest discretionary authority to issue traffic citations, deserved or not, to intimidate us, to crowd-control us, to arrest us, to shoot us. Now, instead of reassurance and respect, the police inspire hate and fear – a very hypnotic combination.

It is not necessary to speak to induce hypnosis. It can be done with symbols and the mind does the rest. The mind interprets the meaning of the symbols and then acts accordingly. Words are weak suggestions because a word is already processed data. A word is an idea, a meaning that has been processed for the purpose of communications. The mind will more readily process symbols, interpret their intended meaning, and being your "idea" carry out the intended suggestion.

The American police officer has a great many tricks up his Sam Brown belt. He is generally equipped with the regalia, the symbols necessary to induce a hypnotic trance: the big pistol, the big belt with all those big bullets, the badge, the hat or helmet, the uniform. His look may be stern, unfriendly, mean. His voice may be gruff, threatening, commanding. The sunglasses, if he wears them, will give his eyes that "hypnotic" look. All of these symbols add to the weight of authority as well as to the fear of authority. By the time a police officer saunters from his patrol car to where the motorist is stopped, the motorist, in most cases, will already be in a deep hypnotic trance, ready to be programmed, ready to admit to an infraction of the law which he did not commit.

To be falsely accused by a police officer is like being hit with a multiple "whammy." It is a very effective hypnotic technique because it combines surprise, shock, threat, guilt, fear, and authority.

The average motorist is effectively disabled. He does not realize or suspect what is happening to him. In the hypnotic state he loses his reason, he loses control of his mind, he cannot see through the ploy, and he cannot see that he is being programmed. Under hypnosis he is made to believe that he committed the stated infraction. He offers no argument, he offers no resistance.

I was once signaled to pull off the road and was given a trumped-up citation for speeding. I was expected, like countless other motorists, to fall under the "hypnotic spell" of the officer. How ever, since I did not respond to his provocations, I did not become hypnotized.

While I was still searching for a reasonable counter argument to the officer's first charge, going 75 miles an hour in a 55 mile an hour zone, he assaulted me with another, also false, charge; he accused me of going in excess of 60 miles an hour. The citation was issued on the basis of the second lie.

Another principle of hypnosis was invoked with the second lie: people cannot cope with rapid change. It throws them into a hypnotic state and they become more manageable. It took me some time to realize that this police officer could have been under a compulsion, under a system of fears, pressures and conditioning. He could have been robotized by those in power; programmed into the system, programmed into the "chain of command" – a zombie doing the will of his master.

Since law enforcement is a tool, an extension of government, we must make sure that the government be held strictly accountable for the action of the police. We must make certain that the police in discharging their duties and dealing with crime and the public is as impeccable as we can possibly make it. The police of Britain now enjoy more public confidence and respect than any other public institution because of this consideration. The English people profess love for their kindly, unarmed police officers. The Canadian police officer is also respected. He is armed but his weapon is concealed. His uniform is also nonoffensive. He may resemble a tour guide to the visitor. Neither the British nor the Canadian police provoke the type of dislike or hate that the Americans have towards their police.

The American people have actually become hate-filled and fearful of their servants, of their government, of their Frankenstein. Behold, big brother is here. Big brother does not have to control the populace with drugs, electrodes or with brain implants. He merely has to intimidate; to create hate, hostility, fear and we then become cowering puppets.

Hating the psychopaths will then cause the people to seek refuge with them because of the fear that hating and hostility create. See Figure 1. They will kiss their rings, kiss their feet, "crawl on their bellies" for the "security" they get. The people surrender their lives to a greater force, to big brother government. An allencompassing fear is an absolute necessity to get and to maintain power and control. The quest for power by these madmen perpetuates the system, perpetuates the kingdom of hell on earth.

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