Section 1 – A Synopsis on Hypnosis

Part 1

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge...

– Hosea 4:6

Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices.

– II Corinthians 2:11

I am going to reveal a secret technology. I am going to describe how unscrupulous, ambitious people in responsible, prestigious positions in government, business and industry brazenly and blatantly employ covert hypnotic mind control techniques against ignorant, trusting, unsuspecting people.

Covert hypnosis is big business. It is very profitable to those who understand and apply this form of hypnosis for power, control, prestige and profit. The autocrats have brought into existence organized brutality with the aid of the government.

Most of us are susceptible to hypnosis and can go into a deep hypnotic trance without our knowledge and be exploited. Those who are not hypnotizable are either insane, rebels, or spiritual. Returned prisoners of war showed that those who were able to resist the enemy were those with a history of rebellion towards all authority. Spiritual people are protected by the full armor of God. (Ephesians 6:11)

The dangers of hypnosis are legion. Those who stand to gain the most by employing hypnosis will tell us that there is no danger. Those same individuals will also tell us that there is no such thing as instant hypnosis, that we cannot be hypnotized against our will. The truth is that in our fallen state we are subject to the external forces around us and cannot resist being hypnotized.

Hypnosis, which is modern psychological warfare that is aimed against the people, creates human puppets who never suspect that they are being exploited. A perverted abysmal knowledge of hypnosis is being used by those of high rank in the kingdom of Satan (bureaucrats, politicians, managers, etc.) to sweep countless masses into a psychic vortex of slavery and destruction. Germany is a prime example of a whole country that fell hypnotically to the whims and dictates of one madman, Adolf Hitler.

It may be difficult to believe that a secret technology has been in widespread use for many centuries which modifies human nature, changes basic values and enslaves humanity to the interest of special power structures, powerful personalities and authorities. Nevertheless, it is true, and it is a highly developed technology.

The ancient Hebrew and Christian mystics never thought of using the knowledge of hypnosis before a profane world. It was a sacred, secret knowledge. Today this knowledge is in the hands of the profane, the psychopaths, the world rulers, the rulers of darkness. This knowledge is still secret; it is kept from the people.

It is not only the spiritual, the enlightened ones who are aware and awake. The most evil, the ambitious, the greedy, the egotists, the pedants, the devil's advocates, the authorities, the rulers of darkness of this world are also aware and awake, and they do their "best" to make our lives utterly miserable. Evil is powerful, evil is in control, evil holds sway.

If I may quote the words of a famous psychopath, a greedy madman who plundered and destroyed the Mayan civilization, Hernando Cortez, "I am human, and nothing human is alien to me." The Cortezes are in power, they are in control of this world. They know how to manipulate human weaknesses for gain, power and profit. They know things about human nature that most people have never suspected. They keep us ignorant of our nature; they keep us hypnotized, vulnerable, exploitable, afraid, obedient and enslaved.

The minds of the people are as vulnerable now as they were then, centuries ago. The techniques of hypnosis, of mind control, of behavior modification, of brainwashing, have been refined to an unspeakable degree.

According to the CIA Director, Stansfield Turner, the CIA was involved in 149 projects on mind control. This research cost the taxpayers over $25,000,000. The American taxpayer pays the bill for his own enslavement, pays the bill for his own destruction. The future of the American people is now being shaped in expensive laboratories and institutions. In time we may all be responding in ways that Ivan Pavlov, B.F. Skinner and others have charted for us.

1. For footnotes see references page: references.htm

Knowledge is power. Knowledge is in the service of power instead of in the service of humanity. The conquest, the control of man's mind has top priority in governmental and industrial research. Those in power have elected to misuse medical knowledge and psychological techniques to transform the unwary citizens into automatons. The modern political rogue is like the mad scientist who is continually searching for better, for more effective mind control methods. The hypnotized masses can then be controlled with impunity; can be exploited, taxed, fined and criminalized without protest; can be made to believe in the lies of the politicians; can be sent to wars to be crippled or killed without objection for a "cause," wars that are contrived and fomented by international bankers.

The control of the minds of men is necessary for socialism, totalitarianism, communism and fascism. These "ism" governments rob man of his freedom and independence, rob him of his livelihood and create for him a futile existence. The detailed scenario of anyone's loss of control of his life inspires fear, induces hypnosis, creates conformity and regimentation. The name of the game is told in George Orwell's 1984 – absolute control. Modern technological weapons are used and the average individual is incapable, is too weak to defend himself. Never before have so few been in a position to make robots, victims, slaves, criminals and encourage the corruption and destruction of so many.

Mind control has been described by many names. Some of these are: mental intrusion, mental coercion, mind manipulation, brainwashing, conditioned reflex response, indoctrination, programming, hypnosis, suggestibility, conformity, behavior modification, mind raping, etc. To prevent confusion and to maintain regularity of terms, the word "hypnosis" will be used to describe the surrender of the human will.

Webster's Dictionary describes hypnosis as "... being a sleeplike condition psychically induced, usually by another person, in which the person loses consciousness but responds, with certain limitations, to the suggestion of the hypnotist."

Secular teachings would have us believe that hypnosis is the result of suggestion. For instance, if the hypnotist says, "You are getting sleepy" or "Your eyelids are getting heavy" or "Your eyes are closing," etc., a corresponding mental picture enters the mind and this produces the hypnotic result. This concept of hypnosis is false.

Hypnosis is not a sleep-like condition. If the person appears to be asleep or sleepy, it is at the insistence, at the demand of the hypnotist. Hypnosis is simply a state of reduced awareness, of reduced control of one's will. It is a state of reduced consciousness where the person loses control of his mind and body and responds slavishly, uncritically to the dictates of his master, the hypnotist. Under hypnosis a person dramatizes the instructions of the hypnotist.

Hypnosis is most often induced by another person. It is usually a powerful person such as an employer, an authority, a leader, a terrorist; a person who is stronger than we are, a person who can manipulate and induce awe, fear or both. And, by the way, a hypnotist does not ask or suggest; he commands.

The hypnotized victim is far from being an unconscious automaton. His intellect remains intact; he can talk and behave quite rationally. However, in his will-less state, he is void of any reason, sound judgment or criticism. The victim's responses are often without limitations. He may respond criminally or immorally to the dictates of the hypnotist – often made to respond and become an assassin like the Manchurian Candidate or like Lee Harvey Oswald.

Hypnosis threatens humanity with destruction. Hypnosis threatens the sleeping souls with the animalization, the enslavement of their minds and bodies. Hypnosis has provided the means of intrusion into the mind. Captivate the mind and the body follows.

Regardless of how learned or intelligent we may be, we are powerless to prevent the "mindnappers" from using our minds and bodies for the fulfillment of their plans for power, control, glory and profit.

A "normal" person is extremely vulnerable to hypnosis. A "normal" person is considered normal by society because he accepts, usually uncritically, the social norms and standards of society. He has, in effect, succumbed to the pressures, conditioning, and persuasions to follow the majority, the masses. Suggestibility is, in fact, an essential characteristic of being "normal." "Normal" man is a willless robot who can be programmed and controlled by anyone who understands hypnotic techniques. "Normal" man is powerless to prevent intrusion into his mind and from being subservient to the will and intent of the evil forces that are in control of this world. Our emotional makeup is our vulnerable spot, our Achilles' heel. Our stimulated emotions become our undoing, we become trapped, enslaved and hypnotized.

There is no law against the use of hypnosis. Governments do not pass laws that limit their control over the people. Ted Patrick, "deprogrammer," said in an interview after he was convicted of unlawful imprisonment of a Hare Krishna devotee,"[Hypnosis] is an issue that everyone is afraid to do anything about. Congress won't touch it, the justice Department don't touch it... One of the most damaging things to me was that the judge restricted the trial to religious freedom." Mr. Patrick was implying that the courts would not deal with the fact that the cultists are hypnotized; that the courts would not deal with the truth. Failure by our legislatures, the courts, those in authority to recognize attacks against the minds of the innocent, gives the brazen psychopaths immunity for what can best be described as unrestricted exploitation of human resources, the American people.

We are not free men in a free society. We are all victims of vicious, gigantic conspiracies. We all must learn how to recognize intrusions upon our minds and how to fight them but, also, we must learn why we are so vulnerable to hypnosis. If we do not, we will be controlled, used, and exploited by the State and industry; butchered and sacrificed as an instrument of war, used and discarded like a cheap, mass produced product.

To summarize, a hypnotized person is not a normal person. It is not even human; it is a living corpse. Something has been removed from the human mind -a soul. Strangely enough, without the soul, the corpse can think, feel, and act. It can answer involved questions, or solve complex problems. These functions are completely preserved in an hypnotic state of consciousness. However, in the hypnotic state, all of these faculties are severed from the soul – the spiritual core of the human organism – the core whose existence is so frequently disputed – the core which endows man with the capability of moral choice.

Man's hypnotic proclivity, when exploited, causes him to become a helpless victim in the hands of the psychological schemers. That is the grave danger that is facing mankind today. The possibilities of hypnosis are just beginning to loom before us, with their frightening shadows and heart-rending horrors.

When human beings cease to be controlled by deeply interiorized religious, aesthetic, ethical and other values, they become the victims of force and fraud as controlling factors of their relationships and destiny. In such conditions, man turns into a human animal driven mainly by his biological urges and passions.

– Dr. Pitirim A. Sorokin Director, Harvard University Research Center in Creative Altruism

If men are not ruled by God, they will be ruled by tyrants.

– William Penn

Cursed is he who falls into the hands of man. – Saint Augustine

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