Part 7

The devil has a firmer hold on men in high places because of their pride in their ranks, and through them he keeps hold on many more because of the influence they wield.

– St. Augustine, Confessions, Book VIII

Labor and government are in a conspiracy against the laity.

– George Bernard Shaw

Hypnosis is an "equal-opportunity employer." Ambitious, greedy, psychopathic * company executives who wish to enslave and normally destroy those in their employ have an established auxiliary in government agencies.

Based on my experience and ones you have probably had, I suggest that we should be very cautious of employers who do not offer the company's benefit package (dental, medical, life insurance, stock options, etc.) at the time that we are hired, but postpone it 3 to 6 months after we start employment. We can be certain that they will try to set us up for mind control just prior to the issuance of the benefits. If we succumb to their mind boggling methods and intimidations we will become their slaves, and they become our masters. Our jobs are now secure and we get the benefits. However, if we keep our cool and do not respond, they then

Psychopaths are those who deliberately and consciously aspire to do evil. They are directed by a demonic spirit that dwells within them.

The following are some of the methods that are used against us to hypnotize us:

  • – Be cautious of an employer who imposes impossible goals, which he may call "breakthroughs" within an unrealistic time schedule. This can create anxiety, concern, worry, thinking and fear.

  • – Be cautious of an employer who insists upon seeing you in his office, and to be sure that you bring with you your badge and keys.

  • – Be cautious of an employer who interferes with your company mail such as bids and price quotes from vendors, correspondence, etc.

  • – Be cautious of an employer who wants to discuss with you illogical, hypothetical problems that cannot be argued with logic or with technical literature. Be careful that you don't resent him; he is depending on your emotional reactions. It is very much like jujitsu; he is attempting to throw you off balance, then you cannot get back.

  • – Be cautious of an employer you catch rummaging through your desk, who tries to upset you by insinuating, "What is this I hear about you?" These are simple but effective devices, ploys to get you riled up, to get you excited so that your mind can be brought under his control. He is depending upon your conditioned responses which are hostile, which separate you from God's protection.

  • – Quit an employer who attempts to manipulate the function of his company in an effort to upset you, who delays and sabotages your work effort so that you are at a disadvantage, so that your schedule slips.

  • – Quit an employer who continually gives you the wrong or ambiguous information, who places you in ambiguous situations and then proceeds to apply unreasonable pressures.

  • – Quit an employer who shouts, screams at you or ridicules you.

  • – Quit an employer who plays on your fears by telephoning you, and while you are listening he changes his voice to a quivering, raucous, threatening one.

  • – Quit an employer who insists that you repeatedly travel on unnecessary company business on weekends; like flying between the main office in one state to a subsidiary in another state. If the company has a government contract these trips will not cost the company anything; the cost is passed on to the government.

  • – Quit an employer who attempts to make you feel guilty for real or imagined reasons; who attempts to weaken your character structure so that your emotional and thought processes can be brought under his complete control.

A word of caution: should you quit as I have, you will be in for further shock when you apply for unemployment insurance. Cohorts in government, coconspirators in the state unemployment insurance appeals office will deny you insurance. "Unemployment insurance is denied," they will proclaim. "The claimant did not quit for a valid reason. The claimant felt that the employer was treating him unfairly and was trying to subvert his mind... From the evidence, the referee cannot find that the vice-president had been unreasonable in his requirements that the claimant conform to company policies and procedures. The employer does have the right to establish the manner in which the work is to be performed, and unless it is illegal...".

That is right; there is no law against kidnapping and destroying a person's mind; i.e., Charles Manson was tried for murder, not for destroying the minds of his followers. Dishonorable government administrators have turned positions of public trust and confidence into positions of betrayal, of corruption, of power and control.

A corporate executive is not different than the gun-toting hood. In a true sense, both are criminals. The only differences are: one is a successful criminal and the other is a failure who must resort to more direct means. One stays within the "law" and the other outside the law. The corporate criminal has financial resources and education which enable him to rob more massively, more subtly, often with the aid of the government who "legally" deprives us of our income.

Employees who blow the whistle on their employers because they want to warn the public of a dangerous product or condition often find themselves in conflict with existing laws of most states that, by exposing their employers, they subject themselves to liability and in technical violation of what is termed an employee's "duty of confidentiality." To add insult to injury, no state law now recognizes an employee's right to sue for "malicious discharge," if he is fired for refusing to participate in immoral or unethical conduct. Needless to say, nor can he get unemployment insurance.

Modern industrialism and government have polluted humanity with evil and have brought into existence organized brutality and slavery. With 20th century technology and material "progress" there wont be anything left for the meek to inherit. There won't be any meek remaining either, only poisoned, conditioned, hypnotized animals. Welcome to America, where toxic industrial waste is choking rivers, poisoning cities and killing the people.

I am certain that there is a satanic conspiracy to enslave humanity with hypnosis, with economic dependence and domination. We are all chattel slaves of Satan. We all must labor to the sweat of our brow; we all must turn stones into bread.

A man who has never gone to school may steal from a freight car; but if he has a university education he may steal the whole railroad.

– Theodore Roosevelt

As through this world I've rambled

I've seen lots of funny men;

Some will rob you with a six-gun, Some with a fountain pen.

– Woody Guthrie, Pretty Boy Floyd

The captured pirate when asked by Alexander the Great why he infested the sea, replied boldly: "I do my fighting on a tiny ship, and they call me a pirate; you do your fighting with a large fleet, and they call you Commander."

– St. Augustine, The City of God, Book IV

The underworld is comprised of dropouts who could not make it in government.

– Roy Masters

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