Section 2 – The Search for Answers

Part 3

And be not afraid of them that kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul; but rather fear him who is able to destroy both soul and body.

- Matthew 10:28

It took me a long time to learn the techniques of hypnosis, and I learned them the hard way – by experience. I had some of the best "teachers" in both the military and industry and I am still learning. I was about fourteen years of age when I first began to wonder about mind control. It was then when I first learned that the Russian Dictator, Joseph Stalin, was able to make the Russian elites, the writers, the doctors, the scientists obey, to crawl on their bellies on command. It left a lasting impression with me that someone in a position of responsibility and authority would do such a dehumanizing thing and that those in such prestigious positions should respond slavishly and without objection or resistance. Alas, being a mere boy who did not find too many answers at that age, I dismissed this human phenomenon as being beyond my comprehension.

Some time later my sister came home with a stray cat, a female. To avoid unwelcome offspring my father had the cat spayed. I was fortunate to observe the veterinarian remove the surgical stitches from the abdomen of the animal. First, the veterinarian quieted the animal by stroking its fur and when the cat was calm he suddenly grasped the cat by the back of the neck and flipped it over on its back. The cat became motionless, apparently overwhelmed by a force greater than itself. It submitted without resistance or objection to that force. The veterinarian was then able to remove the stitches without the danger of being clawed or bitten by the animal.

"Strange," I thought, "the same thing happens when a sheep-shearer flips a sheep over on its back for shearing. The sheep remains motionless throughout the ordeal until it is released."

Not very long afterwards I saw the same power at work when I observed a poultry merchant weigh live poultry. He simply grasped the hen with his hands, then tucked it under his arm while he tied the legs together. The merchant was then able to weigh the hen on his delicate scale, and the hen did not even flutter its wings. Like the cat and the sheep, the hen remained rigid, immobilized. It remained that way throughout the weighing process. Again I wondered, "What mysterious force was being invoked? Was it a power that some people had over animals, over other people? Is there a similarity between animal and human control?" My questions went unanswered.

At the age of twenty I entered the military service. In no time at all, I was stripped of my identity, stripped of my individuality. In no time at all I was obeying – "crawling on my belly" and doing all sorts of stupid things on command – commands given by mean, cruel, screaming sergeants. I was busy from morning till night. I had no time for introspection or to question. I was too busy and tired to see and question what was being done to me. I was being shaped into a soldier, a weapon system, a robot who compulsively did what he was told to do, but did not realize it. I dared not object. I could not resist. I was awed by rank and afraid to do the wrong thing. I tried to conform as best I could.

The assaults and pressures upon my mind and body were relentless. I was a prime, obedient specimen. I was assimilated into the military system. I learned to "love" my tormentors. I emulated them. I became like them, and, in time, I became a sergeant. I screamed and I motivated. Still later, I became an officer and the military was my whole life.

As an officer I pulled rank, I motivated with fear, I harassed and I intimidated. The more I was hated, the more I was feared. The more I was feared, the more control I had. Blind unquestioning obedience by the "animals" is the goal of every motivator. "Ours is not to reason why, ours is but to do or die."

I did not know that I was exploiting human weaknesses. I simply did what had been done to me. I did not know that the mind is afraid of the insecurity of not conforming to pressures, of not conforming to authority. I did not know that once a person is conditioned or violated by the system he becomes a part of the system. To be ostracized from the system is a fate worse than death.

I did not understand the mechanics of the mind that brought about this enslaving condition. Little did I realize in my own subjective, hypnotic state how control from those in authority above me was being passed down through me to eventually reach the lower echelons. I was a part of the "chain of command," each link being overwhelmed with servile fear of those above and unreasonably cruel and oppressive towards those below.

Fear, I later learned, is at the bottom of the desire to be disciplined, to conform, to be regimented, to submit to a greater authority. Fear darkens, paralyzes the mind. Fear is hypnotic. Fear lowers the perceptual thresholds, and the victims perceive less and less at the conscious level and become susceptible to suggestions and programming.

Eventually I retired from the military service and joined the "ranks of industry" as an engineer. I soon learned that in industry, as in the military there is a chain of command. Executives and managers are the officers and drill sergeants in the vast army of hypnotized, robotized workers. Unreasonable pressures, stresses, anxieties, fears – fear of the loss of job, fear of authority, fear of anything is brought to bear and sustained against the workers.

In industry it is difficult to retain our identity, to retain our integrity or remain industrious workers. Management seems compelled to condition us, to shape us into slaves, into mindless robots. We are constantly pressured to become immoral tools for those in power, for the corporate structure. We must become corporate eunuchs.

In industry the methods to mold the minds, to warp the minds are devious, subtle, and diabolically clever. Sadistic, ambitious corporate "fuehrers" have whole companies at their disposal with which to destroy moral character, to make the intended victims into automatons, into zombies. Corruption is rampant; honest workers find difficulty obtaining employment and retaining it if obtained. Honest workers who dissent from the mind-raping policies, procedures and methods of their employers are severely dealt with by both the employers and the government.

Again I wondered, "What sort of human weaknesses, what sort of human frailties has caused the elites, the technical writers, engineers, scientists and other dedicated workers to buckle under the relentless pressures to conform; pressures that caused them to ‘crawl on their bellies,’ pressures that caused them to succumb to the whims and dictates of a degenerate management; pressures that caused them to manufacture a shoddy and dangerous product; to falsify test data, to deceive, to exploit, to defraud the government and the public?

[For numbered footnotes see the page references.htm]

What did these mindmanagers in position of power and authority know about human nature that I didn't know? What occult power did these 'Rasputins' have? I had made a complete circle since my boyhood days and I was no closer to the answers that I sought. I had bits and pieces of knowledge. I had bits and pieces of a puzzle. Unless the key piece to the puzzle fell into place the pieces that I held would remain meaningless to me.

The key to the puzzle that had eluded me for so many long years fell into place quite suddenly one fateful day. On that day, while I was driving to Los Angeles, I was stopped by the highway police. I remember asking myself as I pulled over to the side of the road and applied the brakes, "I wonder what he wants?" It was a reasonable question since I had not exceeded the posted 55 miles per hour speed limit nor had I knowingly broken any laws. I soon found out.

The police officer's opening remark was: "You were going over 75 miles an hour." The charge was so unexpected and so ridiculous that I broke out with spontaneous laughter and then proceeded to respond to the officer. "You had better reconsider your accusation," I said. I was surprised at my spontaneous reactions but the officer was even more surprised. He recoiled visibly, his mouth gaped open, for a moment he was motionless. "Strange," I thought, "that reaction of his is identical to the reactions I got from my former employers when, in the confines of their plush offices, I did not respond to their sudden screams, unexpected unjust accusations and threats to my job security."

"Why," I wondered, "why would a police officer falsely accuse me of speeding? Why would a police officer react the way he did?" EUREKA! I had it. I had the key to the puzzle that had eluded me all of these years. I had the key to mind control, I had the key to hypnosis.

I am now alerted to the fact that the masses are pawns of governmental, police, industrial, business, and individual conspiracies. I am now cognizant of the fact that the people have inherent weaknesses – weaknesses that make them susceptible to those who understand and manipulate this human frailty for power, for profit, for their own aggrandizement.

If I don't pass on this information on hypnosis and mind control to those who need it most, the American People; if I don't alert the people to what is going on; if I don't try to wake up the endangered citizens, I would be as guilty as the Joint Chiefs of Staff who did not alert the troops to the brainwashing techniques, the "psywar" being waged by the enemy. The Korean War showed us how vulnerable is the human mind. The Vietnam War showed how the American soldiers, informed of enemy tactics, were able to overcome them, winning the psychological battle for the possession of the mind.

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