Part 2

Our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against the powers, against the world-rulers of this darkness, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in heavenly places.

- Ephesians 6:12

The life of man upon earth is a warfare.

- Job 7:1

Whenever we, as spiritual seekers, strive after knowledge, it is essential that this striving be after self-knowledge. The acquisition of self-knowledge is not an easy task. It appears that the whole world is conspiring to deprive the seekers of self-knowledge. There are many obstacles to overcome when we undertake this journey, namely:

  • - The complexity of human nature.
  • - Our egos and pride prevent us from looking at the truth objectively, from seeing our weaknesses, failings and enslavement.
  • - The evil forces in the world are determined to keep us ignorant, dependent and enslaved by depriving us of essential self-knowledge.
  • - We are in a somnambulistic state, asleep, unaware of our surroundings, of ourselves, of our fallen spiritual nature, of the battle that is going on for the control of our minds and bodies.

It is a fact that man is hypnotized, unaware, and asleep to what is going on. Even the truth seeker is confronted by a confusing labyrinth of detours, falsehoods, snares, pitfalls and, yes, even dangers.

The path, the quest for truth, for self-knowledge can only be traveled by the determined, by the brave, by the lovers of truth.

Truth is deadly to the nonseeker because he is not strong enough to contemplate it. The nonseeker, if he comes face-to-face with the truth will cringe in horror. He will be so horrified that he will seek escape, seek oblivion into drugs, alcohol, smoking, sleeping, sex, work, insanity, and even in suicide.

That is what is happening today with countless juveniles and young people who are confronted with the truth: the hypocrisy of our "democratic" government, the carnage by design, the exploitation of the masses, the conspiracies of world governments, and international bankers. Our young people do not have the spiritual training, the courage, or the fortitude to cope with what they see. The weight of evil is so oppressive that the very instinct of nature required to preserve life and the courage to face life are overwhelmed to such a degree that death, escape from life is now desired, sought after, or self-inflicted. Millions of our youths, the cream of the crop, are freaking out of society, escaping into drugs, suicide and oblivion.

Dr. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, Nobel Laureate in Medicine and Physiology, when asked what he would do if he were twenty today, said: "I would share with my classmates rejection of the whole world as it is – all of it. Is there any point of studying and work? Fornication – at least that is something good. What else is there to do? Fornicate and take drugs against this terrible strain of idiots who govern the world."

Since man's nature is extremely complex, this book will be limited to only one facet of his nature – his hypnotic proclivity. Since the fall of Adam and Eve, man has always been susceptible to, influenced by, and subject to the external forces and conditions that prevail on the physical plane. In ancient times man was closer to God and was influenced by godly forces. Today, modern materialistic man is more closely allied with the forces of hell – satanic forces. These forces have their being, have their abode in man and in nature. These forces are God created and are necessary for the salvation of man.

Now, to return to the concept of hypnosis; everyone is susceptible to hypnosis because of two things: our ethereal souls and our physical bodies. The body is a complex piece of machinery. It has the ability to move, to perform work, to do any kind of action. The body functions like an automaton, an automaton with a "computer" that we call the subconscious mind. In order for the soul, the conscious mind, to rule and to be master of its body it must have access to the "keyboard" of the "computer." The soul cannot directly manipulate the body because of the interface problem that is encountered between the ethereal soul and the physical body. Consequently, the soul must create thoughts, which then become feelings, which then become nerve impulses, which then cause the body to move and have its being.

The balance between the soul and the body is a delicate one. The pressures, stresses, and cruelties of life, when not met properly with Grace, will cause the soul to fall from its podium, fall from the "keyboard" of the "computer" into the mechanism of the "computer." The soul is no longer in control of the body. The soul is helpless and so is the body. The "keyboard" of the "computer" is left unguarded and access to it can now be gained by anyone who understands the hypnotic process. The body then becomes subject to external forces and carries out their intents and commands with extraordinary precision.

The body cannot reason, cannot judge, cannot resist. It is a corpse, an elementary being without a will or conscience. It is an instrument that takes its direction from commands emanating from the soul or, if the soul is disabled, takes its direction from any other source.

Opposite to hypnosis is trance medium or spiritism. In this case, the soul is outside the body and the body is possessed by a demonic spirit. Similar to hypnosis, the medium has no control over his body; in a manner of speaking, the body is deserted territory. Because the physical body of the medium is deserted, it becomes influenced by other forces – external or internal. The noted difference is that in hypnosis the soul, even though it is lost in the "computer," still occupies the body; whereas, with trance mediums, and also with somnambulists (sleep-walkers) the soul is outside the body.

If we look deeply into man's fallen nature we will see that he is not really awake. In a certain sense, man always sleeps, only there is a difference between sleep during the day and sleep during the night. Man, with respect to his awareness, his consciousness, and his will is actually asleep during the day. He functions primarily from his intellect, his memory, his conditioning, his thoughts and feelings. During the night, he sleeps in the normal way as regards his physical body. During the day, man's awareness remains asleep to the satanic forces that control his will, his aspirations, his dreams, his thoughts and feelings. Man is simply not aware. He is asleep to processes that are taking place around him and within him.

Man lost in thought is a will-less creature. He is a puppet on a string, a robot, a zombie that is easily manipulated and exploited by the creatures of darkness, by those who instinctively understand human nature and its weaknesses.

Consider how little we do in our daily lives that is the outcome of will. Not very much. For instance, if the telephone rings or if there is a knock at the door and we answer it, it is not an act of will; it cannot be called a decision of our thinking and will. Similarly, driving a car, obeying traffic signals are not acts of will; running from danger is not an act of will; eating is not an act of will. These are actions that are occasioned by external circumstances or by the needs of the body.

We can become more knowledgeable, more intelligent, more civilized, more scientific, but in our fallen hypnotic state we can do little in regard to the will. In our dilemma we cannot see that we are externalized, controlled by fears and cruelties, by the pressures and the problems of life; that we are the extension of the will of others; that we are drowning in our dreams and sinking in our thinking. It is only in our fantasies, dreams and thinking that we rein omnipotent, supreme over the cruel authorities, over our oppressors.

Thinking is hypnotic. Thinking is the antithesis of awareness, of consciousness. Thinking is the closest thing to hell on earth. Worry is thinking that is out of control. Thinking, thinking of the past, or thinking of the future, thinking of injustices, or pleasures is escape from awareness, escape from the present, escape from the light of truth, escape into fantasies, escape into darkness and oblivion.

Stresses, our emotional responses to life situations, pressures and cruelties of any kind are effective hypnotic devices. They nullify the conscious, reasoning mind and expose the subconscious mind, the "computer" to suggestion and programming. Since we cannot cope with stress we tend to escape into fantasies, escape into our minds; we conform to stress in order to relieve the agony that stress creates. We become docile and obedient; we become a nation of sheep. Man was never designed to be externalized like an animal. Man's motivation must come from within. The Kingdom of Heaven is within.

To summarize, man, by virtue of his fallen nature, is hypnotized, is a robot, a zombie subject to the intent of satanic forces, of demons dressed in human bodies, dressed in cloaks of respectability. These forces are shaping his life, his lifestyle, his destiny – much to his agony. His likes and dislikes, his emotional responses, his behavior, his thinking processes are predominantly controlled by subconscious activities such as: memories, conditioning, long forgotten pleasures, shocks, injuries and unresolved fears. These emotional traumas make him a helpless victim of controls that are beyond his conscious direction.

It is important that the lay public understands the mechanics of hypnosis. It is a human frailty, a weakness that we have all inherited. All of our tragedies, conflicts, illnesses can be traced to our hypnotic lifestyle. We all must wake up from our hypnotic stupor, we all must understand the techniques of hypnosis in order to be free from this subtle form of mind control and enslavement that others have over us. * The acquisition of self-knowledge is absolutely essential if we wish to become whole, happy, worthy human beings, independent and free from the enslavement and conspiracies of the world.

* What appears to be more insidious than hypnosis is the technique of influencing people by visual or audio impulses that are applied in such a manner as to bypass the conscious mind. This "subliminal motivation," too, addresses itself to man's subconscious mind.

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