The Brainwashing Manual

Purported Communist Text on Psychopolitics


L. Ron Hubbard

L. Ron Hubbard

Chapter XVI In Summary

In this time of unlimited weapons, and in national antagonisms where atomic war with Capitalistic powers is possible, Psychopolitics must act efficiently as never before.

Any and all programmes of Psychopolitics must be increased to aid and abet the activities of other Communist agents throughout the nation in question.

The failure of Psychopolitics might well bring about the atomic bombing of the Motherland.

If Psychopolitics succeeded in its mission throughout the Capitalistic nations of the world, there will never be an atomic war, for Russia will have subjugated all of her enemies.

Communism has already spread across one-sixth of the inhabited world. Marxist Doctrines have already penetrated the remainder. An extension of the Communist social order is everywhere victorious. The spread of Communism has never been by force of battle, but by conquest of the mind. In Psychopolitics we have refined this conquest to its last degree.

The psychopolitical operative must succeed, for his success means a world of Peace. His failure might well mean the destruction of the civilized portions of Earth by atomic power in the hands of Capitalistic madmen.

The end thoroughly justifies the means. The degradation of populaces is less inhuman than their destruction by atomic fission, for to an animal who lives only once, life is sweeter than death.

The end of war is the control of a conquered people. If a people can be conquered in the absence of war, the end of war will have been achieved without the destruction of war. A worthy goal.

The psychopolitician has his reward in the nearly unlimited control of populaces, in the uninhibited exercise of passion, and the glory of Communist conquest over the stupidity of the enemies of the People.


The End

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