The Brainwashing Manual

Purported Communist Text on Psychopolitics


L. Ron Hubbard

L. Ron Hubbard

Chapter XIII Recruiting of Psychopolitical Dupes

The psychopolitical dupe is a well-trained individual who serves in complete obedience the psychopolitical operative.

In that nearly all persons in training are expected to undergo a certain amount of treatment in any field of the mind, it is not too difficult to persuade persons in the field of mental healing to subject themselves to mild or minor drugs or shock. If this can be done, a psychological dupe on the basis of pain-drug hypnosis can immediately result.

Recruitment into the ranks of "mental healing" can best be done by carefully bringing to it only those healing students who are, to some slight degree, already depraved, or who have been "treated" by psychopolitical operatives.

Recruitment is effected by making the field of mental healing very attractive — financially, and sexually.

The amount of promiscuity which can be induced in mental patients can work definitely to the advantage of the psychopolitical recruiting agent. The dupe can thus be induced into many lurid sexual contacts, and these, properly witnessed, can thereafter be used as blackmail material to assist any failure of pain-drug hypnosis in causing him to execute orders.

The promise of unlimited sexual opportunities, the promise of complete dominion over the bodies and minds of helpless patients, the promise of complete lawlessness without detection, can thus attract to "mental healing" many desirable recruits who will willingly fall in line with psychopolitical activities.

In that the psychopolitician has under his control the insane of that nation, most of them have criminal tendencies, and as he can, as his movement goes forward, recruit for his ranks the criminals themselves, he has unlimited numbers of human beings to employ on whatever project he may see fit. In that the insane will execute destructive projects without question, if given the proper amount of punishment and implantation, the degradation of the country's youth, the defamation of its leaders, the suborning of its courts becomes childishly easy.

The psychopolitician has the advantage of naming as a delusory symptom any attempt on the part of a patient to expose commands.

The psychopolitician should carefully adhere to institutions and should eschew private practice wherever possible, since this gives him the greatest number of human beings to control the use of Communism. When he does act in private practice, it should be only in contact with the families of the wealthy and the officials of the country.

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