The Brainwashing Manual

Purported Communist Text on Psychopolitics


L. Ron Hubbard

L. Ron Hubbard

Chapter XI The Use of Psychopolitics in Spreading Communism

Reactionary nations are of such a composition that they attack a word without understanding of it. As the conquest of a nation by Communism depends upon imbuing its population with Communistic tenets, it is not necessary that the term "Communism" be applied at first to the educative measures employed.

As an example, in the United States we have been able to alter the works of William James, and others, into a more acceptable pattern, and to place the tenets of Karl Marx, Pavlov, Lamarck, and the data of Dialectic Materialism into the textbooks of psychology, to such a degree that anyone thoroughly studying psychology becomes at once a candidate to accept the reasonableness of Communism.

As every chair of psychology in the United States is occupied by persons in our connection, or who can be influenced by persons in our connection, the consistent employment of such texts is guaranteed. They are given the authoritative ring, and they are carefully taught.

Constant pressure in the legislatures of the United States can bring about legislation to the effect that every student attending a high school or university must have classes in psychology.

Educating broadly the educated strata of the populace into the tenets of Communism is thus rendered relatively easy, and when the choice is given them whether to continue in a Capitalistic or a Communist condition, they will see, suddenly, in Communism, much more reasonability than in Capitalism, which will now be of our own definition.

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