Joseph Sadony


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Joseph Sadony

Flashes 301 to 359

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301 to 325

  1. YOU ARE YOUNGER today than you ever will be. Make use of it for the sake of tomorrow.
  2. YOUR FEAR makes you lose. Knowing this, you can win.
  3. YOU CANNOT LOSE what is yours. Whether you go higher or lower you will land where you fit.
  4. WHAT BARGAIN have you made with your digestive organs that you are so abusive of them?
  5. THE MAN WHO LIVES within the chamber of licentious thoughts must expect to pay its rent.
  6. YOU ARE USING ten dollars worth of bait for ten cents of fish.
  7. SINCE LOSING YOUR MONEY haven't you found what you thought you lost long ago?
  8. YOU NEED NEVER BE A PRISONER, not even in forced solitary confinement, unless you strangle your will.
  9. VERY FEW MEN have ever died of hard work; most of them die of worrying over it.
  10. SOMETIMES there is a greater reward in failure than in success.
  11. IF YOU THINK NOT, then you will do twice: you will pay up and still be in debt.
  12. THE MAN WHO THINKS he is being persecuted, is; but usually it is only by himself.
  13. HE WHOM YOU CONVINCE against his will, will curse you for knowing his weakness.
  14. NEVER TRY to beat a fool; for when you do, you're a bigger one.
  15. THE TRAGEDY IS that most couples don't know the law of love and companionship.
  16. OUR FEAR OF IT gives birth to what would never happen if we forgot it.
  17. AS LONG AS HALF of the people are not taught how to live, the other half know what to live on.
  18. HE WHO HOLDS HIS TEMPER is greater than the man who provokes it.
  19. YOU CAN'T convince a fool, but you can fool a wise man.
  20. MANY A GOOD IDEA has been hid under a bum hat.
  21. WHY STOP in the middle of the desert just because you got through the jungle?
  22. THE TIME TO BE CAUTIOUS is when you don't want to want.
  23. ONE WHO CAN TOUCH the depths of sorrow and emerge with a smile, is worthy of the greatest joy.
  24. IF YOU HAVE NO HOPE, then create a Want, to give birth to hope.
  25. FAR BETTER REVEAL the truth than criticise the lack of it, for want of it yourself.

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326 to 350

  1. A PARROT may teach another all it knows; still neither one knows what he is talking about.
  2. IS IT ENOUGH to find gold, or love? Or must we make use of it and preserve it to live?
  3. YOUR STRENGTH is judged by those who love you; your reputation by those who don't.
  4. IF YOU CAN'T find the truth direct, check up on lies.
  5. LIVE AND LET LIVE – but beware of the man who laughs.
  6. A PERSON who does not improve things is not improving himself.
  7. IF A MAN HAS SOMETHING better than you have, give him credit. Take off your hat to him – and steal his.
  8. MANY PEOPLE LET the left hand of vice destroy the right hand of virtue.
  9. THE RICH MAN who takes out of the poor box loses what he has.
  10. THE WORLD is as bad and deformed as the glasses we use.
  11. LIKE THE FRUIT TREE man must bear or be buried.
  12. THERE IS JUST as much of a trick in waiting for something to come, as in doing it.
  13. THE REASON eternity is known and tasted by those in love is because they pay no attention to time.
  14. MOST OF US don't know how or when to grasp; some don't know how and when to let go.
  15. IT IS MORE IMPORTANT sometimes to sustain your reputation than to make one.
  16. TO THE MAN who can ignore a thing it is not.
  17. SOME PEOPLE TAKE NARCOTICS to forget something they will never forget.
  18. OUR BAD HABITS make us prisoners, and our false pride is the jailer that keeps us there.
  19. WE ALWAYS lose sight of what we've got, in our efforts to obtain what we haven't got.
  20. IF YOU CAN'T THINK it out, you can't act it out.
  21. IF YOU HAVE A BIG LOAD don't stop, or you may have to hire another load to start up again.
  22. THERE MAY NOT ALWAYS be smoke where there is fire, but there is always fire where there is smoke.
  23. THE COMPLETION OF LOVE carries one into the presence of God.
  24. SIT DOWN AND MEDITATE: from within, a new world shall be born, in place of what you are forced to accept.
  25. OFTEN WHEN YOU become blind and stubborn, you are not a leader; neither a follower.

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351 to 359

  1. YOU ARE ASKED for the Hand of God, to be led; so why do you lead Him?
  2. IF YOU LOSE YOURSELF serving men God will find you to be served.
  3. THE WORLD NEEDS MEN of quality, self-appointed, who know and know that they know how to meet problems for those too blind who use telescopes and microscopes to see with procrastination while starving to death today.
  4. PERIODICALLY IN HISTORY the ground of man's mind is plowed under, everything apparently uprooted into uncertainty. How else shall the old habits of thought be broken up to clear the way for a new epoch?
  5. NOW BEGINS an epoch of permanent constructiveness after destructive fermentation of insincere human emotions fertilized in virgin soil by the ill-gotten grains of selfish greed, strengthening newborn virtue by dead vices.
  6. GOD HAS been giving real men their best chance now to prove manhood and still exist. A test has been made, and is being made, by Nature's game of elimination which always precedes a new era. The kettle boiling over always separates the impure from the pure, so that everyone has an opportunity to make good who has previously failed.
  7. THE WORLD is waiting for facts that can be eaten for today, and used for tomorrow. All men and women are beginning to wake up. Many have already awakened. New plans, systems, organizations, fraternities, methods, styles have been and are springing up, and will spring up from every State; not alone to economize, and to prevent waste, but to awaken Art, Music, Science, Literature, Fraternalism and that neighbourly, loving constitution "for the other fellow".
  8. This had to come. If we do not let go of one bead of the Rosary, we shall never reach the Cross.
  9. WHO AMONG US, the living, today are worthy to lead, to admonish and to judge morals, deeds and actions? Are they of the wealthy who have not earned it? Those who have, but are not able to use it judiciously? The very poor who have nothing to enable them to judge its value? The philosopher who may know, but be influenced only by his own sacrifice? He of a tribe that has not been allowed voice for centuries, but a slave to the stronger who accepted and became stronger in physical power only, where might was right? Or should not that hand of progress accept one finger from each, as a complete Hand, of the viewpoint of the Human Race: so that the human family on earth may be complete according to credit due in labor, love and understanding?


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