Joseph Sadony


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Joseph Sadony

Flashes 101 to 200

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101 to 125

  1. WHY NOT ELIMINATE doubt and give your hope a chance to strengthen your faith in yourself?
  2. THERE IS ONLY ONE WAY for a man to lose a real friend, and that is for him to lose himself.
  3. A "BIG SHOT" is a little shot trying to be a big shot.
  4. A THIEF steals from himself his clear conscience.
  5. HE WHO HATES ANOTHER borrows from his victim, fear.
  6. MAKE MEN fear your honesty, respect your understanding, and love your kindness.
  7. A DOG ONLY BARKS; it requires man's reason to know why.
  8. THE CURE for idle misery is labor's contentment.
  9. HE WHO HOLDS HIS FIRE has always death to deal out.
  10. THE WAGES of happiness are found in frugality and thrift.
  11. EVERYBODY WANTS to wear diamonds but they don't want to dig for them.
  12. WHAT YOU WANTED YESTERDAY is dead today.
  13. IF YOU ARE GUILTY of anything don't look for powder or dynamite with a match.
  14. NO MATTER WHO the pagan may be I shall still respect his God.
  15. THERE IS SOMETHING suspected and expected of every man.
  16. SOME PEOPLE won't like what they could like, so they look for what they can't like if they have it.
  17. WE OFTEN SAVE our lives by the sacrifice of what we lost.
  18. HOW EASY IT IS to get courage; and with courage, how easy it is to succeed!
  19. IF ONE DOESN'T KNOW what to give, he has nothing to receive.
  20. YOU ARE UNWORTHY of protection if you do not do your part, as weak as it may be, to prevent.
  21. BE PATIENT! Eternity teaches us never to count.
  22. THE MAN WHO ACTS with vulgarity has no respect for respect.
  23. NEGLECTED VIRTUES become burdens of necessity.
  24. GOD WAITS to win back His own flowers as gifts from man's hands.
  25. FORTUNATE IS THE MAN who knows his own faults and does not defend them.

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126 to 150

  1. NO ONE CARES to dry his face on a wet towel.
  2. YOU GET JUST what you give; and what you take, you pay for. No man is exempt.
  3. THE DIAMOND in the ring is safe only according to the wearer.
  4. HE WHO TAKES NO advantage of others is doubly welcome by all, even a vicious dog.
  5. WITH HONOR come responsibilities, and with responsibilities come worry if you don't relax.
  6. IF YOU CAN'T lengthen your life by years, do so by activity.
  7. DON'T HAVE such respect for a person unworthy that it will make you lose respect for yourself.
  8. IF YOU THINK you have time to burn, why not wait until after you die before blistering your friends.
  9. BE SURE that your gratefulness is honest gratitude, and not a bait.
  10. "I NEVER HURT ANYBODY." No. But you don't save anybody either.
  11. IF YOU ACCEPT flattery, and thank the flatterer you give a receipt for counterfeit money.
  12. ALL LIFE IS A LABOR until we love to labor, and then it is play.
  13. THE LORD POINTS where the water is; man must make a pump.
  14. EVERYTHING IS STUBBORN – when dirty.
  15. BLESSED IS HE who knows what to do – and does it.
  16. IT IS ONLY A FOOL who can be discourteous.
  17. IN THE WORLD OF DISCORD EVERY deed done must be accounted for by him who did it.
  18. PEOPLE WHO THINK OUT LOUD are just as shallow as what they say.
  19. POWER is for him who is strong enough to harness it, and wise enough to use it properly.
  20. A MAN WHO IS ALIVE can no more prove he is alive than a man who is dead can prove he is dead.
  21. WE LIVE WITHIN THE TRUE LAW only when we are not aware of anything else.
  22. GOD PUTS INTO the brain of man the value of his existence. Thus a fool treads where angels fear.
  23. IF YOU HAVE something to give, where did you get it?
  24. MOST OF US TRY to labor when we are old, but can't; most of us can, when young, but we won't.
  25. IF YOU WANT to respect yourself, look into the mirror ever day and see if you can.

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151 to 175

  1. HAVE YOU EVER TRIED to make each eye do its own seeing? Try it.
  2. WHEN YOU ARE virtuous you can sin; but when you are not virtuous, you are a sinner.
  3. WHERE IT IS FOLLY to be wise, it must be wise to be foolish.
  4. DO YOU POSSESS your wife's body, heart and mind, respect, love and soul? Someone does.
  5. FAITH REMOVES MOUNTAINS by removing you to where there are no mountains.
  6. I HAVE NEVER YET seen love forced, sold or bought; but I have seen it exchanged.
  7. ONE MAY ASSUME a new environment by what memory has recorded, but find reality not the same.
  8. ONE FORGETS TO PLAY when one stimulates ambition too far.
  9. THEY ALL WANT a clear conscience, and to have a clear conscience they've got to do some camouflaging.
  10. OFTEN TRUTH is what dreams are made of.
  11. MEMORY HAS A WAY to shape dreams without restrictions or tinsel. Then we wonder why.
  12. SOME WELL-TO-DO MEN who were once poor, still believe, think and act it.
  13. THE BIRTH OF THE SOUL is when it bursts the bonds of materialism.
  14. CAN THERE BE any inheritance in fame?
  15. TO PRAY is to listen to a spiritual message for one's good.
  16. INVINCIBLE IS HE whom you cannot harm by criticism or revenge.
  17. IF YOU ARE HOMELY, dress up your best; but if you are beautiful, dress simply.
  18. SOME MEN work for money; other men make money work for them.
  19. IDLENESS and good food invite the most vicious habits of mankind.
  20. A STRANGE, NEW GUN is dangerous at both ends, even if not loaded.
  21. THE ONE WHO SAYS, "I am the Dictator!" isn't.
  22. IF YOU KNOW what might be, your intuition will tell you what will be.
  23. A FULL CAPACITY in nature demands delivery, or the penalty of forfeiture.
  24. WHAT'S WORTH SAYING need not be said, but should be remembered.
  25. MAN BUT TUNES IN to God so he may find Him within himself.

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176 to 200

  1. WHY DOES FEAR follow the death of desire, where faith doubts and hope turns into despair.
  2. HALF THE WORLD'S BATTLES are lost by the efforts to win them.
  3. YOU BLEW UP your dynamite without knowing what it was.
  4. A NEW BROOM sweeps no cleaner than an old one. It depends on the hands that grasp it. It is the ambition of him who sweeps.
  5. A MAN WHO TALKS TOO MUCH has already neglected his day's labor.
  6. EPITAPH: For the lack of ambition to blind his fear he remained a coward.
  7. THERE IS STILL more hope for fools that are than those that were.
  8. LET THE TROUBLES of others burn out your own.
  9. THE VALUE of a pitcher is known only after it is broken; and then it is useless.
  10. WHEN YOU FLATTER your friend you strengthen his vanity and adulterate his virtues.
  11. NO ONE CAN TELL how cold it is until he can tell how warm it was.
  12. A FOOL may find fault with you; but are you wise enough to recognize your own?
  13. THE MAN WHO PLAYS FAIR and loses, wins.
  14. THE MAN WHO CAN lose himself in his work will find himself in his play.
  15. IT'S A CLEVER MAN who can force a favor upon you when you needed none to be indebted to him.
  16. IF YOU HAVE something to give away, and don't, then it is lost to you.
  17. THE MAN WHO IS remembered most, was most.
  18. WHEN GOD can trust you, you are apt to live up to it.
  19. HE WHO CRITICISES the good bread offered, is not hungry – but soon will be.
  20. TAKE A LITTLE, improve a little, and leave a little, to be remembered a little.
  21. SOME MEN who want to be good, try so hard that they become bad.
  22. MEN ARE CHOSEN who are best able to do what is best, under the law of moral compensation.
  23. THE MAN WHO GIVES of himself lives the length of its value even though he be dead.
  24. WHEN A MAN ADMITS he knows nothing, he is measuring what he doesn't know.
  25. IF YOU HAVE AN IDEA and wait too long to express it, it dies. Most intentions die before they are born.


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