Chapter Summaries

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  • Brief contents and other links.
  • In which we learn something of the author and how the book was born.
  • In which the author has a word to say about "teachers" and "disciples," himself included.
  • I believe that the mind of Man contains the greatest of all forces—that Thought is one of the greatest manifestations of energy.
  • One great Law—Thought a manifestation of Energy—Thought Vibration—Vibrations of light and heat differ solely in rate of vibration—Human brain only instrument capable of registering thought-waves—Experiments in telepathy prove the law of thought-attraction—Like attracts like in the Thought-world—The wireless telegraphy of the mind—A field of energy with established laws.
  • How thought-waves traverse the sea of Mind—The power possessed of reproducing themselves—Vibrations which affect us—Those which do not—Why?—We are what we have thought ourselves into being—The agency of others' thoughts in shaping our destiny—The working of the Law of Attraction illustrated by the Marconi wireless instruments—The Mind has many degrees of pitch—Positive thought—Negative thought—We are positive to some, negative to others—A knowledge of Mental Law can change us from negative to positive—More people on negative plane than on positive plane—Consequently more negative thought-vibrations—How to counterbalance them—Affirmations and auto-suggestions, and their uses—Establishing new mental attitudes—Development of the Will—A high tension not at all times desirable—Advantage of changing from positive to receptive, at will.
  • Man has but one Mind—Functions along two lines of mental effort—Passive effort often result of vibratory impulses imparted in ages long past—Active effort new-born—Thought impulse and motion impulse result of Active effort—Active function creates, Passive function obeys orders and suggestions—Active function sends forth vibrations—The force of Habit—Appetency—The impulse of the Primal Cause—"Life-force"—Mental Culture and Mental Development, two different things—The amenability of the Mind to the Will—The Will the outward manifestation of the I am—The attraction of The Absolute—The real Man the master—Active and Passive functions but tools.
  • The Power of Man—Unconscious mind-building—The "I", the sovereign of the Mind—The Universal Will—The mastery of the Lower Self—The mental misgoverned by irresponsible faculties—The reestablishment of order in the mental kingdom—The first battle—The conquest of the Lesser Self by the Real Self—Affirmation and exercise.
  • The Attractive Power of Thought—"A matter of luck"—A magnificent illustration of the Law of Attraction—A strong belief as efficacious as a strong wish—The man who "gets there"—The man who fails—No such thing as Chance—Law everywhere—Plan and purpose; cause and effect—The right vibrations—Getting into the current.
  • The first thing to do—Fear thought—Strong expectancy a powerful magnet—The man who fears—How to overcome the habit of Fear—A waste of time to fight negative thought by denying it—The right mental attitude—Setting new vibrations in motion—The conquest of Fear the first important step—The positive will prevail.
  • Worry the child of Fear—The motive underlying action—The causes that result in Success—How Desire acts—Worry negative and death-producing—Desire and Ambition positive and life-producing—The transmutation of Worry—Getting into harmony with the right thought-waves—Setting in motion the Law of Attraction—Fear paralyzes Desire—Once rid of it, difficulty melts away—The working of a mighty Law—The things we worry about—Things adjust themselves—The storing-up of energy—Where are the feared things?—Better ways of overcoming objectionable thoughts than by fighting them.
  • Thoughts either faithful servants or tyrannical masters—Some of our best mental work performed for us when our conscious mentality is at rest—The key to the mystery—The man who understands how to run his mental engine—"Slowing down" the Mind.
  • A general awakening needed—Let Life flow through us, manifesting in thought, word, deed—The expression of conscious life—Affirmation and Exercise.
  • The sub-conscious mind—Importance of transmitting proper impulses—Automatic habits—"Which of these two things shall I do?"—Forming a new habit—Breaking an old one—The "just-once" idea—The Mind a piece of paper—Mental creases.
  • Emotions dependent largely upon habit—May be repressed, increased, developed, changed—When to master an undesirable emotion—Jealousy—Its growth—Rage—The habit of feeling and acting "mean"—Worry—Continued thought manifests in action—"Fault-finding"—The chronic "nagger"—Negative emotions and their recurrence—How to choke out these habits.
  • Undesirable states of feeling—We are not the creatures of our emotions—The majority of the race so governed to a great degree—Man the real master of his emotions—The development of new brain-cells—The disuse of old brain-cells with undesirable manifestations—The brain, the organ and instrument of the Mind—Our tendencies, temperaments and predispositions—The millions of unused brain-cells—Mental attitudes acquired or discarded at will—The mind clears the way for thoughts good for the individual, interposes resistance to those which are harmful—One positive thought will counteract a number of negative thoughts—"Holding the thought"—How to cultivate a certain habit of action—Ridding oneself of a mental trait.
  • Mental leaks—The man or woman in search of success—When Mental Force operates best—The Mind works on the sub-conscious plane along the line of the ruling passion or desire—Scattering thought-force—Getting out of the current of attraction—My personal experience—"Love" at the bottom of the whole of life—The so-called "chemical affinities"—Desire a manifestation of this Universal Life Love.
  • The difference between the successful strong men and the unsuccessful weak men—Energy and Invincible Determination—Energy not rare—Wasted nerve-force—The Human Will—A great dynamic force—The people who have "arrived"—Are they "ordinary," after all?—Made of the stuff of those about them—Wherein does their greatness lie?—Belief in themselves—The right use of material—The "trick" of greatness—The good things locked up in your mind—The inexhaustible supply.
  • Nothing too good for you—Your direct inheritance—Great things lost for want of asking—The Law takes you in earnest—You are a manifestation of the Whole Thing—You must first awaken to a realization that you are merely asking for "your own"—The Law will do its work—The hypnotism of "humility"—The great things in the Cosmos which await your coming of age—The playthings of life—Our game-tasks—The difference between the Master of Circumstances and the Slave of Circumstances.
  • The Attractive Power of Thought—"A matter of luck"—A magnificent illustration of the Law of Attraction—A strong belief as efficacious as a strong wish—The man who "gets there"—The man who fails—No such thing as Chance—Law everywhere—Plan and purpose; cause and effect—The right vibrations—Getting into the current.
  • Writings and Bibliography

This text is in the public domain.


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