Chapter 1a The Writings of Paracelsus

Paracelsus wrote personally not a great deal. He usually dictated that which he desired to be put into writing to his disciples. The greatest part of his works is therefore in the handwriting of his disciples. Few of the works of Paracelsus were printed during his lifetime. Those that were printed consist of his seven books, "De Gradibus et Compositionibus Receptorum et Naturalium," Basel, 1526; and of his "Chirurgia Magna," printed at Ulm, 1536. The rest of his writings did not become known publicly until after his death, and it is to be regretted that his disciples and followers – such as Adam von Bodenstein, Alexander von Suchten, Gerhard Dorn, Leonhard Thurneyssen, Peter Severinus, Oswald Crall, Melchior Schennemann, and others – delivered them in such a state of confusion to the printer, that frequently entire pages were missing, and it was very difficult to put those that were to be had into some order.

Separate editions of the works of Paracelsus were published by Hieronymus Feierabend in Frankfurt, by Arnold Byrkmann in Cologne, and by Peter Barna in Basel. Simultaneously a great many spurious prints and writings, falsely attributed to Paracelsus, were put into circulation, as appears from a note by Antiprassus Siloranus, who says that Paracelsus wrote 35 books on Medicine, 235 on Philosophy, 12 on Politics, 7 on Mathematics, and 66 on Necromancy. If we remember that Paracelsus was engaged in literary labours for only fifteen years, it appears self-evident that Siloranus referred in his note to all the books and papers that were put into circulation, and attributed to Paracelsus by the public.

John Huser, doctor of medicine at Grossglogau, undertook a critical examination of such works, on the request of the Archbishop Prince Ernst of Cologne. [Wikipedia] He collected with great labour all the autographs of Paracelsus and the original manuscripts of his disciples, such as could be found; he put them into order, and revised and published them at Cologne in a general edition during the years 1589 and 1590. That collection contains the following works:—


1. Paramirum de Quinque Entibus Omnium Morborum (Paramirum of the Five Causes of Disease). (Autograph of Paracelsus )

2. Opus Paramirum Secundum (2 Second Book, Paramiruno). (Autograph.)

3. Liber de Generatione Hominis (Book of the Generation of Man).

4 Liber Paragranum (Paragranum). (Autograph.)

5. Liber Paragranum Secundum (Paragranum, Second Book. (Autograph.)

6. Chronica des Landes Kaernthen (History of the Country of Kaernthen).

7. Defensiones und Verantwortung wegen etlicher Verunglimpfung seiner Misgoenner (Defence and Answer respecting some Misrepresentations made by his Enemies).

8. Labyrintbus medicorum errantium (The Labyrinth of the Wandering Physician).

9. Das Buch vom Tartaro, das ist vom Ursprung des Sands und Steins (The Book of Tartarus – i.e., of the Origin of Stones in the Bladder).

10. Epistel der Landschaft Kaernthen an Theophrastum (Letter of the Country of Kaernthen to Theophrast).

11. De viribus membrorum (Of Organic Powers).

12. De primis tribus essentiis (Of the Three First Elements).

13. Vom Ursprung und Heilung der natuerlichen Pestilenz (Of the Cause and Cure of the Ordinary Pest). (From the original MS. of Dr. Joh, Montanus, of Hirschfeld.)

14. Ein Buechlein von der Pestilenz an dir Stadt Sterzingen (Letter about the Pest to the Town of Sterzingen). (From the original MS. of Dr. Joh, Montanus, of Hirschfeld.)

15. Zwei Buecher vom Ursprung und Ursach der Pest (Two Books on the Cause and Origin of the Pest). (From the original MS. of Dr. Joh, Montanus, of Hirschfeld.)

16. Drei andere Buecher von der Pestilenz (Three more Books on the Pest). (From the original MS. of Dr. Joh, Montanus, of Hirschfeld.)

17. Eltiche Collectanea de Peste (Collections of Notes on the Pest). (Autograph.) (MS. of Montanus.)

18. De Morbis ex Tartaro oriundis (On Diseases coming from the Tartarus). (MS. of Montanus.)

19. Theophrasti Epistola ad Erasmum Rotterdamum (Theophrastus' Letter to Erasmus of Rotterdam). (MS. of Montanus.)

20. Erasmi Rotterdami Responsio (His Answer). (MS. of Montanus.)

21. Liber de Teteriis (Book on Jaundice). (MS. of Montanus.)

22. Liber quatuordecim paragraphorum (Book of Fourteen Paragraphs). (Autograph of Paracelsus.)

23. Von den tartarischen Krankheiten (On Tartaric Diseases). (Autograph of Paracelsus.)

24. Von den Krankheiten die den Menschen der Vernunft herauben (On Diseases causing Insanity). (Autograph of Paracelsus.)

25. Von Krummen und lahmen Gliedern (On Contracted and Paralysed Members). (Autograph of Paracelsus.)

26. Von den astralischen Krankheiten (Diseases caused by Astral Influences). (Autograph of Paracelsus.)

27. Vom Padagra (On Gout). (Autograph of Paracelsus.)

28. Andere zwei Buecher vom Podagra (Two more Books on Gout). (Print.)

29. Vom Ursprung, Ursach und Heilung des Morbi Caduci und Epilepsy (On the Cause, Origin, and Cure of Nervous Diseases and Epilepsy). (MS.)

30. De Caduco matricis (On Displacements of the Uterus). (MS.)

31. Von den Bergkrankheiten (Diseases in Mountainous Regions). (MS.)

32. Theorica Schemata seu Typi (On Types of Diseases). (Autograph.)

33 Practicae particularis sen Curationis morborum Tartareonum (Cure of Tartaric Diseases). (Fragment.)

34. Etliche Consilia Medica (Some Written Consultations). (MS.)

35. Etliche Fragmenta Medical (Medical Fragments). (MS.)

36. De Sanitate et Aegritudine (Health and Disease). (Autograph.)

37. De Stercore et Aegritudinibus en hoc oreundis (Excrementive Substances and Diseases caused by them). (Autograph.)

38. De anatomia oculorumm et eorum affectionibus (The Eye: Its Anatomy and Diseases). (Autograph.)

39. Auslegung primae sectionis Aphorismorum Hippocrates (Explanation of the First Sections of Hippocrates' Aphorisms). (Sources not mentioned.)

40. De modo phlebotomandi (How to Let Blood). (Sources not mentioned.)

41. De urinis et pulsibus (Diagnostics from Urine and Pulse). (Sources not mentioned.)

42. De modo pharmacandi (Pharmaceutics). (Sources not mentioned.)

43. Archidoxorum Libri X (The Book of Archidoxes).  (Autograph.)

44. De Renovatione (Renewal).  (Autograph.)

45. De Vita longa (Long Life). (German.)  (Autograph.)

46. De Vita longa (Ditto). (Latin.)

47. Some fragments in German (Various Fragments). (MS.)

48. De praeparationibus libri duo (Preparations of the Second Book). (MS.)

49. Process den Spiritum Vitrioli zu machen (How to make Spirit of Vitriol). (MS.)

50. De natura rerum (The Essential Nature of Things). (MS.)


51. De Tinctura Physica ("Curative Tincture"). (MS.)

52. Liber Vexationum (Vexations). (MS.)

53. Thesaurus Alchemistarum (Alchemical Treasures). (MS.)

54. De Cementis (Cements). (Autograph.)

55. Cementum super Venerem et Marte (A Cement for Venus and Mars). (Autograph.)

56. Das Manuale de Lapide Philosophorum (Manual of the Philosopher's Stone). (MS.)

57. Ratio extrahendi ex omnibus metallis Mercurium, Sulphur, et Crocum (How to Extract of all Metals their Mercury, Sulphur, and Crocus).  (MS.)

58. Intimatio Theophrasti (Advice of Theophrastus). (MS. of Aporinus.)


[numbering is inconsistent between versions]

59. De gradibus rerum naturalium (Of the Various Grades of Things). (MS. of Aporinus.)

60. Herbarius (On Plants). (Autograph.)

61. Von den fuenf natuerlichen Dingen (On the Five Natural Things). (Autograph.)

62. Zwei Tractate vom Terpenthin und Honig (Two Tracts on Turpentine and Honey). (MS. of Montanus.)

63. Vom Ebenholz, von Bruechen und Praeparation der Mumie (Ebony-Wood, Ruptures, Preparation of the Mumia).  (MS. of Montanus.)

64. De virtutibus herbarum (The Virtues of Plants). (MS. of Aporinus.)

65. Liber Principiorum (The Books of Beginnings).  (MS. of Montanus.)

66. De Thermis (Mineral Springs). (MS. of Oporinus.)

67. Vom Bade Pfeffers (The Baths of Pfeffers).  (MS. of Montanus.)

68. De gradibus et compositionibus (Gradations and Compositions).  (MS. of Montanus.)

69. Scholia in libros de gradibus (Remarks about Gradations).  (MS. of Montanus.)

70. Fragmenta (Fragments).

71. Fragmenta aliquod de re Herbaria (Fragments treating of Plants).  (Autograph.)


72. Philosophia ad Athenienses (Letters to the Athenians). (Print.)

73. Opus anatomicum (Anatomy). (Autograph.)

74. Philosophia degenerationibus et fructibus quatuor elementarum (Doctrine of the Products and Fruits of the Four Elements). (Print.)

75. Philosophia de generatione hominis (On the Generation of Man). (Print.)

76. De meteoris (Meteors). (Autograph.)

77. Aliud opusculum de meteoris (More about Meteors). (Autograph.)

78. Liber meteorum tertius (Third Book on Meteors). (MS. of Montanus.)

79. De generatio metallorum (The Generation of Metals). (Ditto.)

80. Von den natuerlichen Waeasern (Natural (Thermal) Springs).


81. De divinibus operibus et secretis naturae (The Divine Works and Secrets of Nature). (Autograph.)

82. De sagis earumque operibus (Sorcerers and Witches and their Arts). (Autograph.)

83. De Daemonicis et Obsessis (Devils and Obsessions). (Autograph.)

84. De somniis (Dreams). (Autograph.)

85. De sanguine ultra mortem (The State of the Blood after Death). (Autograph.)

86. De animalium hominum post mortem apparentibus (Souls of Men appearing after Death). (Autograph.)

87. De virtute imaginativa (____________). (Autograph.)

88. De characteribus (Characters). (Autograph.)

89. De Homunculis et Monstris (Homunculi and Monsters). (Autograph.)

90. De Philosophia occulta (Occult Philosophy). (MS. of Montanus.)

91. De Imaginationibus (Imaginations). (MS. of Montanus.)

92. Philosophia Paracelsi (The Philosophy of Paracelsus). (MS. of Montanus.)

93. Vom Fundamente und Ursprung der Weisheit und Kuenste (The Foundation and Origin of Wisdom and Arts). (Other Manuscript.)

94. Fragmenta (Fragments). (Other Manuscript.)

95. Philosophia sagax (Critical Philosophy). (Other Manuscript.)

96. Erklaerung der ganzen Astronomie (Explanation of Astronomy). (MS. of Montanus.)

97. Practica in Scientiam Divinationis (Instructions in the Science of Divination). (Autograph.)

98. Erklaerung der natuerlichen Astronomie (Natural Astronomy). (Autograph.)

99. Fragmenta (Fragments). (Autograph.)

100. Das Buch Azoth seu de ligno Vitae (The Book Azoth, or the Tree of Life). (Ms.)

101. Archidoxes Magicae (seven books) (Fundamental Doctrines of Magic). (Ms.)

102. Auslegung von 30 magischen Figuren (Explanation of Thirty Magic Figures). (Autograph.)

103. Prognostication zukuenftiger Geschichten auf 24 Jahre (Prophecies for Twenty-four Years). (Print.)

104. Vaticinium Theophrasti (The Predictions of Theophrast).  (MS. of Montanus.)

105. Verbesserte Auslegung Theophrasti (Explanations).  (MS. of Montanus.)

106. Fasciculus Prognosticationum Astrologicarum (Astrological Predictions).

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