The Human Radio by Joseph Sadony

Extracts From an Unpublished Manuscript

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Foreword by the Author

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Many thousands of people have asked about my work; have demanded an explanation of it, with admission or refutation of the many things that they have heard; have sought some intelligible "cause" or "means" to account for the effects and results which they are forced to admit, with or without hesitancy, that they have observed.

To these I am always glad to reply, because of their friendship, because of their most evident sincerity: in short, because they seek, ask, and knock at my door.

I have no desire to convince anyone of anything, I have nothing to say from my front door-step. But upon hearing a knock I hold open my door. To the voice of a friend or stranger, I can do naught but reply, "Come in." Beyond this each must judge for himself, as I have judged, as others have judged.

That I have "found something" I do not deny. That the majority of people in this world have "not as yet found it", cannot be denied. But that "it" is the heritage and flowering of mankind, the result of evolution; that each of you "possess it", even "uses it", with our without being aware of the fact; that it is yours for "possession" and "use" for the asking, and a simple observance of nature's most evident laws – I do claim.

It is quite evident that I have a "house" of some sort. You may examine it if you wish. I did build it myself. So let us go back a step....

I have lumber.... But let us go back another step.

I have a tree.... . Let us go back still further.

I have a seed.

My house is proof of the seed. My lumber is evidence that I did chop down a tree; the tree that I found and planted a seed.

Would you enjoy such a house? If so "go do ye likewise." Do you seek happiness, prosperity, security – in fact, Success?

Come dine with me then. This is my bread, my water. We are like children? We seem happy? We have all that makes for pleasure and for comfort?

Then here is a seed. Have patience.

Here is an axe.... Persevere.

Do you forget how to laugh? Is it so hard to be a child? Is it so difficult to have faith?....

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We are electrical dynamos. The nerves are the wires which carry the impulse. The blood in the arteries is the iron core which induces the magnetism which we call love, or attraction.

Our ambition is the voltage of pressure; our endurance the amperes or volume; our circumstances the rheostat, and the soul within us the engineer or master. Everything depends upon the use that we make of this dynamo.

And surely one master engineer can read the indicators, voltage and amperes of any other mechanism. It is easy to understand, when one has mastered these little "mysteries". But the uninitiated cannot understand the power of electricity. The real source is still a mystery. Wireless telegraphy proved still less comprehensible to the world at large; and even in the face of its general usage, its evolution to the radio was generally considered an impossible dream.

And yet, today we have the radio. It is regarded with little more emotion than the telephone; still it is a "miracle".

People marvel at the possibilities of sensing thoughts in the air, but they will play with these radios, hearing music a thousand miles away. Is not the mind which created this radio which is able to receive vibrations from such a distance, greater than the radio which is but a creation or one possibly of its power?

We can conceive of nothing that has not its seed, reflection or possibility within ourselves. Every machine in existence is fundamentally a still and crude reproduction of some part of the human make-up, some combination of muscles, some faculty of body or mind.

The radio is but the outward echo of one facet of the human mind. As the radio develops we will not only hear but see, as can the sensitized mind.

We are Human Radios, the most sensitive, delicate, and perfect Radios conceivable, the perfect model from which all future improvements upon the electrical and mechanical radio will be derived. If this were not so, the radio would not be in existence. We can create or materialize nothing of which we do not ourselves consist. An invention is the manifestation and therefore absolute evidence of the existence of a thought – the thought, or that which is the seed or cause of the thought, giving it birth in accordance with definite laws.

Man, with all his ingenuity and constructiveness can discover nothing new. He merely conforms with a law already in existence for centuries. His sensibility of mind has but absorbed the radiance of existing truth, and this seems to astonish those less informed.... ....

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Let us suppose that you were to ask me for a certain flower that you had seen in Europe. If I have but three varieties, you will be unable to demonstrate the beauty of the one you have in mind. But if I have many kinds of flowers, you will likely be able to make a comparison that will convey your idea.

The process is similar to seeking the wavelength of a wireless impulse with a tuning coil. It is this same variation that gives us classical music, that gives us figures in mathematics, with rules and short methods. The more figures, experimental instruments, and acquired knowledge one possesses, the broader the scope of possible comparison.

Another stranger comes to me. He asks that I describe his father. The description is recorded in his mind, and if I have registered one thousand faces, there will be one among these that impresses me strangely. It is the addition of his mental picture that gives me this description as nearly as possible like the one in his mind, the registered picture that was his father.

These things were all clear to me very early in life, and I could demonstrate and prove them. But there was one thing that long remained half a problem, and that was how to predict. For in my own experience, the difference between past and future was that I appeared to get the information of the past through my mind, as in inductive thought, while in predicting it seemed as if I were in the future coming back, (deductive thought,) and with it a sort of reverential awe, a kind of ecstasy as if just returning from a grand concert, or a beautiful garden filled with music, color and perfume – a peculiar feeling akin to that caused by opium or morphine, as nearly as I could understand it. Once felt, it is always craved. But whereas drugs destroyed in reaction, this seemed to strengthen, giving greater endurance, greater power, greater precision and command....

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All religions embody good and have bettered the world. There are two factors, faith and science; two rules, and both are evidently right. Is it expecting too much that religion and science together create a third principle, resulting in the transformation of the world into one human family of many children, each to his own? With science to preserve order by eliminating fraud and trickery, there would be no fear of judging the innocent as guilty.

As man in inclined toward superstition, he naturally falls an easy prey to those clever enough to deceive his eye. In fact some of the brightest minds of the 19th and 20th centuries have been completely deceived in this way.

The possibility of our loved ones returning after having passed away, or at least of sending us some message, cannot be doubted. But it is the unreliability of the method used to receive these messages, as well as the unreliability of the person receiving them, which gives rise to a question. The truth is often exaggerated, and the open-minded victim easily duped....

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My faith in a supreme fountain-head of truth not only makes me more susceptible to its influence, and open to conviction of cause and effect, but cautions me to incorporate reason and logic with the possibility that my judgment may demand in the building of my mansions; it warns me to endow the framework with strength, as well as to adorn it with beauty; to preach and to practice; to love and help live; to acquire knowledge and shape it, the better to understand: as an inspiration toward that fountain-head of all wisdom whence we came, and toward which we travel.

With my understanding, and viewpoint, I could well afford to wait until my forty-seventh year before allowing my work to be revealed, with its results – without mercenary motive: simply regarding the milestones which have led me thus far on my journey through life. If I have found it worthwhile practically, the same principles may be applied to others traveling my way. With this point in view, have these facts been recorded.

And if you travel my way, finding my methods agreeable, you bathe in the same pool, and drink from the same brook. If not, then one of us is out of step, and cannot dine with the same appetite at the same table!....

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I realized when quite young that the ready response in my make-up was due to having crated a harp of experience, so I set myself about the perfecting of this. Each trade acquired, each tool or instrument mastered, added so many more strings to this harp, enabling me to give an opinion based upon absolute knowledge. And as I continued to add to this supply of "strings", I found a quicker responses when seeking knowledge by intuition, and a correspondingly easier understanding of knowledge acquired only thru transference of thought.....

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One cannot reach for an object to which he is not entitled. Our imagination governed by reason, is the forecast of future events, if we but understand, or make the effort....

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I have found that it is not always my predictions that really count, through they may convince one of the various methods by which nature unfolds her secrets....

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I hope all my friends understand that it is impossible for me to have the radio-receiver of my brain always open to every calamity that may happen. I am human and I may be asleep and tired, just long enough to prevent warning my own son against being killed. What right have I to demand a protection exclusively for mine, when others have sacrificed in this world and have not received it?....

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The Price

I see a beautiful woman thoughtless of the morrow. That tomorrow tells me of her disfigurement, while she unconsciously smiles away her opportunities, and society bids me be silent.

I see a sleek banker whose fate tells me that it is waiting only for 'tomorrow' to wrest from his hands his wealth, his wife, his friends.

Today I see youth in full vigor and hope. At his side disease casting dice with death....

A friend reaches out his hand to me with a smile on his face. I long to love and to trust him. He does not know that I see a dagger in his hand, and that I already feel the spot that it will enter.

This is the price of the human radio. But, it is a bargain, for when all pay the price, at last, brotherhood is thrown in as well as 'Peace on Earth,' – and paradise found again, for Thought, which is the root and seed of all growth, may not be hidden; and, thrown to the sun, night weeds will die.....

If I say to you, 'You will be killed if you walk one block north,' and you should fail to walk one block north, thus saving your life, has my prediction failed?....

I know there are some things in the future that we should not know just yet. Our minds cannot comprehend them, so why use up mental vitality trying to analyze a problem too complex for our present implements....

I have often been asked about the market quotations. 'What am I going to do tomorrow?' etc, but these things do not interest me. They are momentary. There is not profit in that. It is the big thing. 'What MUST I do to succeed,' that counts. It is not the raw, uncooked food, but a table spread with which I am concerned: not the idle 'What time is it?' – but 'Is this the hour of my death?' This puts me 'in bad' with some of my business friends, until they know me and my subtle system of power, that he who wills, shall, or he would not be able to will. For we are lost by the words of fools, and find our way by the prattling of babes....

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The mental and emotional foundation of all humanity was shaken by the world war. And in regaining its equilibrium, it most naturally groped for spiritual truth. But in reaction it swung to the other extreme. In its blindness it was too ready to throw down the truth as exemplified by the past master-minds, rushing from place to place, seeking an easy religion governed by selfishness, hypocrisy and superstition – the curse of mankind. What the eye sees not, the ear must hear. Where outward senses fail to recognize, reason must find a solution. All faculties must work in unison, and science must corroborate the truth of religion, and vice versa, if the mystic triangle, our only rigid form, is to stand for truth.

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I have found the power of prophesy by hard labor, and shall use it to help those in need.

– Joseph A. Sadony


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