5. Four Ways to Dissolution

En español: 05-quatro-formas-de-disolucion.htm

Ashtavakra said –

1. You are free from contact with anything whatsoever. Therefore, pure as you are, what do you want to renounce? Destroy the body-complex and in this way enter into the state of dissolution.

2. The universe rises from you like bubbles rising from the sea. Thus know the Self to be One and in this way enter into the state of dissolution.

3. The universe, because it is unreal, being manifested like the snake in the rope, does not exist in you who are pure, even though it is present to the senses. Therefore in this way enter into the state of dissolution.

4. You are perfect and the same in misery and happiness, hope and despair, and life and death. Therefore in this way enter into the state of dissolution.


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