Class Announcement

Qi Gong for Wellness and Longevity


Learn the basics of Qigong with Life/Wellness Coach, Dr. Harold Koning who has taught and practiced Qi Gong for 25 years. He is a Reiki Master, an instructor of Indonesian Martial Arts and a Master Drummer in the Afro-Caribbean tradition. Dr. Koning completed his postgraduate training at the prestigious Harvard Medical School Mind/Body Institute.

In the following quote Ken Cohen, one of the outstanding Qigong Masters in the U.S.A, states:

"Qigong is a holistic system of self healing exercise and meditation, an ancient, evolving practice that includes healing posture, movement, self massage, breathing techniques and meditation. The student uses intent to move the qi throughout the body."

Who can benefit from Qigong?

People of any age and medical condition. Martial Artists use it to enhance effortless power and higher precision in their Martial Arts style.

The main benefits of Qigong are?

Prevention of disease and improved health, increased energy and strengthening of the immune system, improved concentration, flexibility, balance, accelerated healing of sports and other injuries, stress release, improved breathing, and oxygen intake, slowing down the aging process. Continuous practice results in a clear, calm mind, a strong body and assists in fighting diseases of modern society. Dr. Koning will be teaching an 8 session training module, the information is listed below.

Contact information:

[email protected]

Harold Koning Ph.D., or Ita Koning, AP

Linked In: harold-koning-ph-d

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