Loose Ends


In the main text I described a number of stratagems or "ploys" that are used by intruding entities to disrupt and control the mind of a voice-hearer. It is essential that they be read within the context of the narrative as I have written it. However, in order that they may be referred to subsequently without having to re-read the narrative, I have gathered them together in a separate page (summary-of-ploys.htm) where they appear in no special order of importance.

Also see the Gallery (gallery.htm) of the illustrations that are referred to in the earlier sections, and are put on that page for ease of reference.

Additionally, there is a Bibliography (bibliography.htm) of books mentioned in the text, and others that are relevant.

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Independent of my writing this book, but in the same vein, and drawing a lot from it, I have written a series of "stand alone" essays. These may be read separately from the book, and may be reproduced or quoted individually, with due attribution.

Most of the Essays have been incorporated into the Chapters. They are a good introduction to the material, prior to digesting the entire book. They are titled as follows:

  1. You must listen to the people who hear voices
  2. Seek the beginnings, learn from whence you came, and the various "earths" of which you are made
  3. Je suis moi-même la matière de mon Essai
  4. Paranoia
  5. "What I tell you three times is true!"
  6. "Away with the fairies"
  7. Without Apology
  8. Earth Currents: The Cause of "Geopathic" Illness
  9. J's Story
  10. Two fools
  11. All fur coat ...
  12. Poem

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