Christian Articles

Christ, resurection

Richard M. Bucke Psychogenesis of Man

Illustrated by a few faculties

Extracted from chart on page 43 of Cosmic Consciousness

Link to book page scan on this site: 1 page pdf (open with Acrobat to read clearly)

Also see Bucke's personal experience

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Faculty Appearance in a Man Absent in proportion now Appearance in the Race How Far Back Prehuman forms How Easily Lost


Name of Faculty Approxi­mate Average Age of Appearance in Man Absent in what proportion of Adult Members of Race at Present Time Time of Appearance of Faculty in Race How far back does Faculty Reach into Prehuman forms? With what Degree of Facility is the Faculty Lost in Man?
Memory Few days after birth None Prehuman To the Echinodermata Only lost in deep sleep and coma; present in dreams
Simple Conscious­ness Few days after birth None Prehuman To the Echinodermata Only lost in deep sleep and coma; present in dreams
Curiosity Ten weeks None Prehuman Insects and spiders Only lost in deep sleep and coma; present in dreams
Use of Tools Twelve months None Prehuman Monkeys Present in dreams
Shame Fifteen months None Prehuman Anthropoid apes and dogs Present in dreams
Remorse Fifteen months None Prehuman Anthropoid apes and dogs Present in dreams
Sense of Ludicrous Fifteen months None Prehuman Anthropoid apes and dogs Present in dreams
Three years In 1 in 1,000 300,000 years ago Peculiar to man Lost in coma, delirium, often in mania ; never present in dreams
Color Sense Four years In 1 in 47 30,000 or 40,000 years ago Not in man's progenitors Seldom present in dreams
Sense of Fragrance Five years ? ? Not in man's progenitors Not present in dreams
Human Moral Nature Fifteen years In 1 in 20 or 25 10,000 years ago Peculiar to man Unstable—easily and constantly lost; not present in dreams
Musical Sense Eighteen years In more than half Less than 5,000 years ago Not in man's progenitors Only occasionally present; hardly ever present in dreams, even in case of musicians
Cosmic Conscious­ness Thirty-five years In all but one in many millions Just dawning now Peculiar to man Only present few seconds to few hours in any case; then passes away of itself


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