
Bringing help and hope to those with schizophrenia.

First I lived it, then I wrote it,
now you must read it

If you hear voices, or care for someone who does, then this book is for you.

For more than thirty years, I have experienced voices and physical presences that, with absolute certainty, I know are of spiritual origin.

Do not be put off by "spiritual", and don't think that this is "religious". It is not.

While holding my own beliefs, I want to reach those of all religions or none.

Understanding the role of spiritual intrusion into mind and body may also bring enlightenment to those who suffer from paranoia, manic depression*, dominance, compulsion, eating disorders, addictions and multiple personality disorder*.

(* Bi-polar and Dissociative Disorders, if you prefer.)

It is meant also for carers and professionals in the world of mental health - and the curious: the curious who want "to know": to know what it is like to be inside a completely "man-made" depression, and to know what it is like to experience inner voices and presences.

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Roy Vinccent at Drigg, England

Copyright © 2003-2012 Roy Vincent

Last updated July 2012

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